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Effect of a Novel Intervention Targeting Appetitive Traits on Body Mass Index Among Adults With Overweight or Obesity
JAMA, May 2022, Kerri Boutelle, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics

New Genetic Associations in Pediatric NAFLD Affect Both Risk and Severity
Hepatology, June 25, 2022, Jeffrey Schwimmer, PhD

The Role of Executive Function in Child Weight-Loss Treatment
Behaviour Research and Therapy, May 2018, Dawn Eichen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Fellowship Information
The Joint (UCSD and Rady Children’s Hospital) Program in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition is a 3 year, fully ACGME-accredited, training program, combining clinical and research training. We accept up to two fellows per academic year.
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