A Message from the Division Chief
The Division of Allergy and Immunologic Diseases provides comprehensive clinical services for children with allergic, immunologic, rheumatologic diseases, and Kawasaki disease in outpatient and inpatient settings at a variety of venues throughout San Diego County. The Division also maintains an internationally recognized research program in the areas of translational and clinical research in autoinflammatory disorders, genetics of rare inherited diseases, Kawasaki disease, the genesis and treatment of allergic diseases, and basic research in T cell immunology.
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Division Chief
Research Highlights

Fibroblast Phenotypes and their Extracellular Matrix Provide Insight into the Pathogenesis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Mutations in TOP2B Underlie Syndrome B Cell Immunodeficiency

Mapping the Role of Microglia in Brain Development and Neuro Inflammatory

Negative Regulation of Inflammatory Cell Death in Neutrophilic Dermatoses

Kawasaki Disease
Natural Regulatory T Cells (nTreg) Recognize the Heavy Constant Region of Immunoglobulins (IgG)

Education in the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and rheumatology
Teaching future physicians is a important component of the UCSD Department of Pediatrics Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology Division's academic mission. Discover training programs and mentorships led by our division faculty.
Learn more about our Education ProgramsMeet Our Faculty
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