Welcome to the Division of Hospital Medicine
Our division is proud to serve as the primary teaching facility for all UCSD medical students and for medical residents training in pediatrics, medicine-pediatrics, and family practice. We train medical residents from UCSD and 5 other local programs. We are one of the first academic institutions to create a Pediatric Hospital Medicine fellowship program and have been integrally involved in the growth of the field of PHM. We are highly active in quality improvement and clinical research in various areas including human factors related to quality improvement, obesity, sepsis, patient safety, clinical pathways, complex care, and patient experience, among others.
Read more about our Division
Interim Division Chiefs, Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Program Highlights

Educational Opportunities
Our hospitalists are the primary teaching faculty for UCSD pediatric hospital medicine. Read more about our programs for Medical Fellows, Medical Residents, and Medical Students
Hospital Medicine Training OpportunitiesMeet Our Faculty
See the listSupport the Pediatric Excellence Fund
Your gift can help change a life. Consider donating to support the Pediatric Excellence Fund at UC San Diego today.
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