Recognize a Colleague
Don't let acts of support go unnoticed! We want to give our faculty and physicians the opportunity to acknowledge and thank one another.
Virtual Wall-Of-Fame

Aarti Patel
"Aarti continues to be a beacon of light for our division and the Department through her roles for both in Wellness. She has helped us celebrate new babies, and create a calendar and sweatshirt (with Jane and Begem!) that everyone is enjoying. Her effervescent personality is present in all she does." - Erin Fisher

Karen Klein
"Karen is extremely engaged in a variety of efforts to improve our culture of inclusion and to support one another. I appreciate that she is so proactive and comes with new ideas. Grateful for the time she has been spending on these efforts." - Anonymous

Erin Fisher
"Erin is always there to talk through any issues. She was there for me and the MBU when we had to accommodate a growing clinical need. I really appreciate her thoroughness and attention to detail. She's a wonderful colleague to have in your corner!." - Kay Rhee