Past Research Studies
New treatment for children who fail to respond to IVIG infusion
Approximately 20% of children with KD fail to respond to the first dose of gamma globulin (IVIG). Infliximab (Remicade®) is an antibody that binds TNF-α, a pro-inflammatory molecule that is elevated in the blood of children with KD. This therapeutic antibody may help turn off the inflammation in children who do not completely respond to IVIG.
- Burns JC, Best BM, Mejias A, Mahony L, Fixler DE, Jafri HS, Melish ME, Jackson MA, Asmar B, Lang D, Connor JD, Capparelli EV, Keen ML, Mamun K, Keenan G, Ramilo O. Infliximab treatment of IVIG-resistant Kawasaki disease. J Pediatr. 2008; 153(6):833-8.
- Tremoulet AH, Best BM, Song S, Wang S, Corinaldesi E, Eichenfield J, Burns JC. Resistance to intravenous immunoglobulin in children with Kawasaki Disease. J Pediatr. 2008;153:117-121.
- Burns JC, Mason WH, Hauger SB, Janai H, Bastian JF, Wohrley JD, Balfour I, Shen CA, Michel ED, Shulman ST, Melish ME. Infliximab treatment for refractory Kawasaki syndrome. J Pediatr. 2005;146:662-667.
Epidemiology of KD in San Diego County, Dr. Annie Kao
Reporting of KD cases to the county health department is a requirement in California. This study was performed in collaboration with the San Diego Dept. of Health Services and describes all patients diagnosed with KD in San Diego County during the 5-yr. study period from 1998-2003. For the first time, clustering of KD cases in time and space was documented, which further suggests an infectious disease trigger for KD.
- Wilder MS, Palinkas LA, Kao AS, Bastian JF, Burns JC. Delayed diagnosis by physicians contributes to the development of coronary artery aneurysms in patients with Kawasaki syndrome. Ped Inf Dis J. 2007; 26: 256-260.
Climate Study
In collaboration with Dan Cayan, Director, Climate Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, we studied possible links between KD and seasons of the year. In Japan, there are two peaks, one in the winter months (Jan.-March) and a second in mid-summer (July/August). This pattern for KD also is evident in San Diego County. A new analysis of time series of KD patients from all over the world is being lead by Dr. Xavier Rodo in collaboration with our group and the SIO team. This represents a broad collaboration of KD researchers from both the northern and southern hemispheres and should yield the most comprehensive understanding of how the “KD agent” moves around the globe. Stay tuned!
- Burns JC, Cayan DR, Tong F, Turner CL, Shike H, Kawasaki T, Nakamura Y, Yashiro M, Yanagawa H. Seasonality and temporal clustering of Kawasaki Syndrome in Japan, 1987-2000. Epidemiology 2005;16:220-225.