Our Staff
Name | Title | Phone/Fax | |
Cody, Kelly | Administrative Officer at UCSD | P: 858-249-1703 | kcody@health.ucsd.edu |
DeLeon, Annabelle |
Administrative Associate at RCHSD | P: 858-966-5818 F: 858-966-7483 |
adeleon@rchsd.org |
Millard, Jessica | Program Administrator, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship at UCSD | P: 858-249-1704 | jmillard@health.ucsd.edu |
Quade, Lisa | Division Manager | P: 858-966-4045 F: 858-966-7483 |
lquade@rchsd.org |
Wilson-Delgado, Carrie |
Administrative Associate at RCHSD |
P: 858-966-4534 F: 858-966-7483 |
cmwilson@rchsd.org |
UCSD Health Sciences
Name | Title | Phone/Fax | |
Kastner, Michelle | Administrative Coordinator | P: 858-534-7008 | makastner@health.ucsd.edu |
UCSD Health System
Name | Title | Phone/Fax | |
Garza, Ala | Director of Woman and Infant Services | P: 858-249-6069 | abgarza@health.ucsd.edu |
Iseri, Jackie | NICU Nursing Manager | P: 858-249-5837 F: 619-543-3166 |
jiseri@health.ucsd.edu |
Custodio, Jaycee | NICU Respiratory Therapy Manager | P: 858-249-5722 | jgcustodio@health.ucsd.edu |
High Risk Infant Follow up Program
Name | Title | Phone/Fax | |
Brash, Melissa | PNP/Coordinator | P: 619-543-3771 ext. 3822 F: 619-543-7543 |
mbrash@health.ucsd.edu |
Hernandez, Erica | Medical Assistant | P: 619-543-3771 | erh018@health.ucsd.edu |