Weekly Fellow Conference:
Our teaching program is dedicated to producing the finest academically trained neonatal clinicians through a combination of rigorous clinical rotations, didactic and interactive learning. One of our differentiating methods are half day protected learning each Wednesday provided for all our fellows. These weekly conferences include journal club, Grand Rounds presentations, board review sessions, pathophysiology lectures, quality and safety review of patient care, palliative topics, and career development scholarly seminars. Faculty from our Neonatology Division as well as the Department of Pediatrics give lectures and attend fellow presentations during Wednesday Fellow Conference.
Additional Meetings:
We strongly encourage our faculty and staff to attend the many weekly, monthly, and annual conferences supported by the division, as well as, those providing important educational benefits to further our purpose of providing the best care to our patients.
Additional conferences supported by the Department of Pediatrics and Division of Neonatology include:
- Perinatal conference is a multidisciplinary meeting held in collaboration with the fetal diagnostic center. This allows the team to review all current high-risk pregnancies and discuss possible management strategies. Fellows are active participants in these rounds.
- Pediatric Grand Rounds - weekly lecture series.
- Children's Health and Education Research Seminars - weekly lecture series.
- Annual Pediatric Faculty Research Symposium

Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Fellows learn Epidemiology and Biostatistics through a series of flipped classroom sessions.