Interested medical students, MD/PhD students and residents can rotate on our Pediatric ID clinical service to gain exposure to the breadth of diverse patients and pathophysiology we serve at RCHSD. Opportunities for trainees include:
Pre-Clinical Shadowing
Pre-clinical medical students can shadow the inpatient Pediatric ID team for a day at Rady Children's Hospital. This may either be done through the Careers in Medicine course or informally. To set up an informal shadowing experience, please contact Dr. Cannavino and Tricia Ruiz as some paperwork is required prior to scheduling.
MS3 Pediatric ID Rotation
Medical students on their core Pediatrics Clerkship (PEDS 401) can request to do a week on the inpatient Pediatric ID consult service during their outpatient block. Schedule requests will be submitted to Vanessa Villo (PEDS 401 Clerkship Coordinator) at the time of the rotation.
MS4 Pediatric ID Sub-internship
Fourth year medical students can do a month-long sub-internship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Peds 430). Scheduling will occur via the UCSD School of Medicine MS4 lottery.
Visiting fourth year medical students may rotate on the sub-internship. Scheduling will occur via VLSO. Further information can be found on this website:
Resident Pediatric ID Rotation
Pediatric and Med/Peds residents can rotate on the inpatient Pediatric Infectious Diseases service during residency. Rotations can be either 2 or 4 weeks in length. Residents can rotate either on the general Pediatric Infectious Diseases service or the Immunocompromised service. Schedule requests should be submitted to the Pediatric Chief Residents prior to each academic year.
Visiting Pediatric or Med/Peds residents may be able to rotate on the Pediatric Infectious Diseases service if bandwidth is available and the rotation is approved by their residency program and the UCSD residency program. Schedule requests should be submitted to Chris Cannavino, MD and Tricia Ruiz as paperwork and prior approval are required prior to scheduling.