Interested medical students, MD/PhD students and residents are welcome to attend our weekly educational conferences.
Pediatric ID Fellow's Educational Conferences occur every Tuesday afternoon from 3:30-5:00. Conferences are hybrid in format (both in person and zoom options available). Topics include:
1. Review of core Pediatric ID topics (Red Book, ID PREP, guidelines, etc.)
2. Monthly Antimicrobial Stewardship Series
3. Monthly Immunocompromised ID Series
4. Monthly ID Research series (monthly journal watch, research-related topics)
5. Joint Conferences with Public Health to review current outbreaks and epidemiology
Pediatric ID Case Conferences occur every Thursday afternoon from 5:00-6:30. Conferences are hybrid in format (both in-person and zoom options available). The inpatient General Pediatric ID and Immunocompromised ID services present the most interesting cases each week with a robust discussion on differentials, diagnostics, treatment and pathophysiology.
Interested in Attending?
If you are interested in attending educational conferences, please contact
Dr. Cannavino or
Tricia Ruiz to be added to the distribution list for calendar/zoom links. Of note, you will need to fill out a confidentiality form to attend case conference.