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Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics

Former Mentees in Biopharma, Biotechnology, Clinical Laboratory, Science Policy, or Science Communication Professions

Vivekananda Datta, MD, PhD

Vivekananda Datta, MD, PhD
PhD, Mol Path 1999-05
Lab Dir, Pathologist
Natl Lab for Cancer Res

Morgan Pence, PhD, D(ABMM)

Morgan Pence, PhD, D(ABMM)
PhD, BMS 2007-12
Dir at Cook Children's
Health Care System

Laura Kwinn Wolf, PhD

Laura Kwinn Wolf, PhD
PhD, BMS 2001-06
Director, US
Department of HHS

Heather Maisey Buschman, PhD

Heather Maisey Buschman, PhD
PhD, Mol Path 2003-08
Asst Dir Communications &
Media Relations, UCSD

Ericka Anderson, PhD, MBA

Ericka Anderson, PhD, MBA
Postdoc Fellow 2011-15
Venture Fellow, Sullivan
Cntr for Entrepreneurship

Shannon Weiman, PhD

Shannon Weiman, PhD
PhD, BMS 2007--09
Sr. Comm Manager
Keystone Symposia

Tamara Bhandari, PhD

Tamara Bhandari, PhD
PhD, BMS 2009--13
Sr. Med Sci Writer 
Washington University

Ross Corriden, PhD

Ross Corriden, PhD
PostdocFellow 2012-14
Assc Dir Immunology
Neuron23, San Francisco

Nina Haste, PharmD, PhD

Nina Haste, PharmD, PhD
PhD, BMS 2008-11
Infectious Disease
Pharmacist Specialist, UCSD 

Andrés Valderrama, PhD

Andrés Valderrama, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2013-20
Senior Scientist
Arcturus Therapeutics

Jeffery Locke, PhD

Jeffery Locke, PhD
PhD. Marine Bio 2005-08
Dir of Microbiology
Cidara Therapeutics

Anjuli Timmer, PhD

Anjuli Timmer, PhD
PhD, Mol Path 2004-08
Postdoc Fellow 2008-10
VP of Ops, Aardvark Ther

John Buchanan, PhD

John Buchanan, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2002-05
Asst. Research Sci 2006-08
CEO, Ctr for Aquaculture Tech

Jason Cole, PhD

Jason Cole, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2008-13
Asst Project Sci 2013-15

Group Leader, Cidara Therap

Andrew Hollands, PhD

Andrew Hollands, PhD
PhD via U Wollongong 2008-11
Postdoc Fellow 2011-14

Group Leader, InhibRx

Jason Munguia, PhD

Jason Munguia, PhD
PhD, BMS 2012-16
Senior Scientist
Forge Therapeutics

Simon Döhrmann, PhD

Simon Döhrmann, PhD
PhD via Humboldt U 2013-15
Postdoc Fellow 2015-16
Sr. Sci, Cidara Therapeutics

Markus Roupé, PhD

Markus Roupé, PhD
Postdoc Fellow, 2010-12
Dir of Biology, Hansa 
Biopharma AB, Sweden

Ann Lin, PhD

Ann Lin, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2011-15
Dir of Business Develop
Pharmaron, La Jolla

Janet Liu, PhD

Janet Liu, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2014-18
Dir of Microbiology
Emery Pharma, Oakland

Doris LaRock, PhD

Doris LaRock, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2014-17
Asst. Scientist, Emory
U School of Medicine

Federico Beasley, PhD

Federico Beasley, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2011-14
Field Application Scientist
Taconic Biosciences

Xaviar Lauth, PhD

Xaviar Lauth, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2000-03
Dir of Innovation, Cntr
for Aquaculture Tech

Sasha Kristian, PhD

Sasha Kristian, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2003-07
Scientific Director of
Infectious Diseases, GSK

Ohn Chow, MD, PhD

Ohn Chow, MD, PhD
PhD, BMS 2006-10
Clinical Resarch 
Director, Sanofi

Bryan Hancock, PhD

Bryan Hancock, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2017-18
Sr. Scientist, Cancer 
Immnol Fate Therapeutics

Syed Raza, PhD

Syed Raza, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2011-14
Asst Project Sci 2014-17
Director, ImmunityBio 

Bernice Aguilar, PhD

Bernice Aguilar, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2012-15
Principal Scientist
Grifols Biologics, LA

Tamara Escajadillo, PhD

Tamara Escajadillo, PhD
PhD, BMS 2015-18
Patent Agent
Biolegend, San Diego 

Stephanie Heberlein, PhD

Stephanie Heberlein, PhD
PhD, BMS 2017-18
Research Scientist
Kyowa Kirin, La Jolla

Ingrid Cornax, DVM, PhD

Ingrid Cornax, DVM, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2017-18
Assc Sci Direc Pathology
Janssen Laboratory (J&J)

Nina Gao, PhD

Nina Gao, PhD
PhD, BMS 2016-21
CPEP Clin Micro Fellow
University of Maryland

Sun-Mi Choi, MD, PhD

Sun-Mi Choi, MD, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2018-21
CPEP Clin Micrology
Fellow, UCLA

Alison Vrbanac, PhD

Alison Vrbanac, PhD
PhD, BMS 2016-20
Siolta Therapeutics

Saugat Poudel, PhD

Saugat Poudel, PhD
PhD, BMS 2016-22
Data Scientist II
Palmona Pathogenomics

Elizabeth Montaño, PhD

Elizabeth Montaño, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2020-22
Microbiology Lab Director
Symbio, San Diego

Satoshi Uchiyama, MD, PhD

Satoshi Uchiyama, MD, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2007-10
Asst Project Sci 2011-23
Principal Sci, Cello Therap