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Department of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics

Fellows and Ph.D Co-Mentees

Arthur Jeng, MD

Arthur Jeng, MD
Inf Dis Fellow 2001-03
Assc Prof, Olive View
UCLA Medical Center

Mary Hensler, PhD

Mary Hensler, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2003-08
Project Scientist 2008-16

Yuka Yamaguchi, PhD

Yuka Yamaguchi, PhD
Visiting Postdoc via Osaka
University 2011-14, Ped
Dentist Faculty, Osaka U

Kim-Thuy Truong, MD

Kim-Thuy Truong, MD
Pul Crit Care Fellow 2015-16
Pul Crit Care Physician
Overlake Medical Center

Stephanie Shin, MD

Stephanie Shin, MD
Pul Crit Care Fellow 2013-16
Assc Professor of Med & Inf
Disease, UCSD and SD VA

Jenny Koo, MD

Jenny Koo, MD
Neonat Fellow 2018-20
Neonatologist, SHARP
Healthcare, San Deigo

Sarah Burgdorf, MD, PhD

Sarah Burgdorf, MD, PhD
Inf Dis Fellow 2017-20
Asst Professor of Med
University of Pittsburgh

Ruth Siew, MD

Ruth Siew, MD
Ped Pul Fellow 2017-21
Asst Professor of Ped
Pul Med, UCSF

Christine Thompson, PharmD, MBA

Christine Thompson, PharmD, MBA
Ped Clin Pharm Fellow
2023-24, Staff
Pharmacist, Children's Hosp LA

Helena Bergsten, MD, PhD

Helena Bergsten, MD, PhD
Postdoc Fellow 2022-24
Inf Dis Physician
Stockholm Hosp, Sweden

Josh Sun, PharmD, PhD

Josh Sun, PharmD, PhD
PhD, BMS 2015-18
Postdoc Fellow 2022-23 
Research Scientist, SD

Case McNamara, PhD

Case McNamara, PhD
PhD, co-mentored with 
Partho Ghosh 2000-06
Director, Scripps Research

Anna Cogen, MD, PhD

Anna Cogen, MD, PhD
PhD, co-mentored with 
Rich Gallo 2007-09
Asst Prof, U Wash

Chelsea Stewart, PhD

Chelsea Stewart, PhD
PhD, co-mentored with 
Partho Ghosh 2011-16
Science Teacher, LA

Gregory Golden, PhD

Gregory Golden, PhD
PhD, co-mentored with 
Jeff Esko 2015-21
Postdoc, U Penn

Nitasha Menon, PhD

Nitasha Menon, PhD
Visiting PhD from Amrita 
School of Biotech, 2020-21
Research Scienist, NC

Master's Students

Jennifer Chang, PhD

Jennifer Chang, PhD
BS/MS Bio Sci 1998-00 
Research Asst Professor
U Illinois-Chicago

Carlo Milani, MD, MBA

Carlo Milani, MD, MBA
BS/MS Bio Sci 2005-07
Asst Attend Physician
Hosp for Special Surgery

Katja Heinemann, PhD

Katja Heinemann, PhD
MS via Hemholtz U 2009
Bio Safety Manager, U of
Vet Med, Germany

Jonathan Sjögren, PhD

Jonathan Sjögren, PhD
MS via Lund U 2010
Search & Eval 
AstraZeneca, Sweden

Evelien Berends, PhD

Evelien Berends, PhD
MS via Utrecht U 2011
Clinical Chemist 
Amsterdam AMC

Kirsten Kuipers, PhD

Kirsten Kuipers, PhD
MS via Utrecht U 2012-13
Assc Dir Business Develop 
Genmab, Netherlands

Emma Leire, PhD

Emma Leire, PhD
MS via U Copenhagen 2011-12, Senior Dir
Asgard Therap, Netherlands

Shari Nicatia, PharmD

Shari Nicatia, PharmD
MS via Utretcht U 2011-12
Pharmacist, Utretcht 

Johnny Hwang, MD, MS

Johnny Hwang, MD, MS
BS/MS Bio Sci 2011-13
Pediatric Resident
Physician, UCLA

Ran Troost, MS

Ran Troost, MS
MS via U Nijmegen 2013-14
AstroZeneca, Netherlands

Gabriela Docci, PharmD

Gabriela Docci, PharmD
MS via U Nijmegen 2013-14
Hospital Pharmacist, Basel
Land Cantonal Hospital

Carien Hilvering, MS, C.R.E.

Carien Hilvering, MS, C.R.E.
MS via U Nijmegen 2013-14
Bibliometrics & Impact Spec
Maastricht University 

Brittney Lehmann, MS

Brittney Lehmann, MS
MS BMS 2013-14
Sr Clin Research Assc
Xencor, San Diego 

Laura Robrahn, PhD

Laura Robrahn, PhD
MS via Ruhr U 2013-14
Sr Consultant 
Capgemini Invent, Germany 

Roxana Flores, MS

Roxana Flores, MS
MS via SDSU 2014-16
Research Scientist 
San Diego

Thom Sentner, MS

Thom Sentner, MS
MS via Leiden U 2016
Data Scientist 
Rabobank, Netherlands

Diede Van Ens, MS

Diede Van Ens, MS
MS via Radboud U 2017
Lab Spec, PhD Candidate
Amsterdam UMC

Emilia Hoste, PhD

Emilia Hoste, PhD
MS via U Catholique de 
de Louvaine 2019, Postdoc 
Postdoc, UCDL, Belgium

Sara Tamminga, MS

Sara Tamminga, MS
MS via Utretcht U, 2019-20
PhD Candidate 
Amsterdam AMC

Sinead McCabe, MS

Sinead McCabe, MS
MS BMS 2022-23
Research Associate 
Kyowa Kirin, San Diego

Tariq Qayam, MS

Tariq Qayam, MS
BS/MS BMS 2021-23
Research Associate 
UCSD Bio Sciences

Kegan Hampel, MS

Kegan Hampel, MS
MS BMS 2022-23
Research Associate 
InhibRx, Inc San Diego

Visiting Ph.Ds and Sabbatical Professors

Jeffrey Fuller, PhD

Jeffrey Fuller, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Toronto 
2000 Assc Professor
Western U, Canda

Revital Neeman Yahel, PhD

Revital Neeman Yahel, PhD
Visiting PhD via Tel Aviv  
U 2000, Teacher & 
School Manager, Israel

Lisa Chau, MS

Lisa Chau, MS
Visiting MS via U Guam
2007, Tech Specialist
Digital Strategist, Hawaii

Stefanie Blodkamp Eidam, PhD

Stefanie Blodkamp Eidam, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Hannover
2012, Account Manager
AxonLab, Germany

Anna Salvioni, PharmD, PhD

Anna Salvioni, PharmD, PhD
Visiting PharmD via U 
Padova 2012, Asst Prof Centre
Centre  de Recherches en Cancérologie

Lena Völlger, PhD

Lena Völlger, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Hannover
2012-13, Team Leader
Euroimmun, Germany

Nadia Keller, PhD

Nadia Keller, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Zurich
2013-14, Biobank
Coordinator, U Zurich

Natascha Heinsohn, PhD

Natascha Heinsohn, PhD
Visiting MS via Braunchweig Tech U 2015
Sci Coord, Berlin Inst Health

Safoora Pashangeh, PhD

Safoora Pashangeh, PhD
Visiting PhD via Shiraz U 
2015-16, Asst Prof
Jahrom U, Iran

Lucy Catteau, PhD

Lucy Catteau, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Catholique
de Louvaine 2016, Manager
Eur AMSS, Belgium

Suborno Jati, PhD

Suborno Jati, PhD
Visiting PhD via U Calcutta
2017, AFTD Postdoc
Fellow, UCSD

Marine Richard, PhD

Marine Richard, PhD
Visiting MS via U Angers
2017, Product Quality
Engineer, Caudalie

Alice Lai, PhD

Alice Lai, PhD
Visiting PhD via Chang
Gung U 2023-24
Postdoc, UCSD

Mark Walker, PhD

Mark Walker, PhD
Sabbatical Professor 2006
University of Queensland

Victor Aguirre, PhD

Victor Aguirre, PhD
Sabbatical Professor 2008
Professor, U Michoacana
de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Myoung Sug Kim, PhD

Myoung Sug Kim, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2011-12
Senior Scientific Officer
Natl Inst Fisheries, S Korea

Mike Lin, PhD

Mike Lin, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2014
Prof of Trad Med
China Medical U, Taiwan

Martina Sanderson-Smith, PhD

Martina Sanderson-Smith, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2017
U of Wallongong

Johan Malmström, PhD

Johan Malmström, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2019
Professor of Inf Med
Lund University

Jwa-Kyung Kim, MD, PhD

Jwa-Kyung Kim, MD, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2019-20
Professor, Hallym U 
Sacred Heart Hospital 

Hideya Seo, MD, PhD

Hideya Seo, MD, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2019-20
Asst Professor 
Kyoto University, Japan

Masanobu Hiraoka, MD

Masanobu Hiraoka, MD
Sabbatical Prof 2019-21
Asst Professor 
Wakayama University, Japan

Jan-Willem Veening, PhD

Jan-Willem Veening, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2023-24
Professor, University of
Lausanne, Switzerland

Chih-Ho Chen, MD, PhD

Chih-Ho Chen, MD, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2023-24
Asst Prof, Chang Gung
Memorial Hosp, Taiwan

Choong-Min Ryu, PhD

Choong-Min Ryu, PhD
Sabbatical Prof 2024
Professor, Korea Res
Inst of Bio and Biotech, S Korea

Sabbatical Prof 2019-20
Professor, Hallym U 
Sacred Heart Hospital