Rajput A, Poudel S, Tsunemoto H, Meehan M, Szubin R, Olson C, Lamsa A, Seif Y, Dillon N, Vrbanac V, Sugie J, Dahesh S, Monk J, Dorrestein P, Knight R, Nizet V, Palsson B, Feist A, Pogliano J. Profiling the effect of nafcillin on HA-MRSA D712 using bacteriological and physiological media. Sci Data 2019; 6:322. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Tacke R, Sun J, Uchiyama S, Polovina A, Nguyen DG, Nizet V. Protection against lethal multidrug-resistant bacterial infections using macrophage cell therapy. Infect Microb Dis 2019; 1:61-69. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Tsai CM, Riestra AM, Ali SR, Fong JJ, Liu JZ, Hughes G, Varki A, Nizet V. Siglec-14 enhances NLRP3-inflammasome activation in macrophages. J Innate Immun 2019; 11:86-98. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Valderrama JA, Kulkarni SS, Nizet V*, Bier E*. A bacterial gene-drive system efficiently edits and inactivates a high copy number antibiotic resistance locus. Nat Comm 2019; 10:5726. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Koo J, Escajadillo T, Zhang L, Nizet V, Lawrence SM. Erythrocyte-coated nanoparticles block cytotoxic effects of group B Streptococcus β-hemolysin/cytolysin. Front Pediatr 2019; 7:410. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gomez Toledo A, Golden G, Rosa-Campos A, Cuello H, Sorrentino J, Lewis N, Varki N, Nizet V, Smith JW, Esko JD. Proteomic atlas of organ vasculopathies triggered by Staphylococcus aureus sepsis. Nat Comm 2019; 10:4656. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Machado H, Weng L, Dillon N, Seif Y, Holland M, Pekar J, Monk J, Nizet V, Palsson B, Feist A. A defined minimal medium for systems analyses of Staphylococcus aureus reveals strain-specific metabolic requirements. Appl Environ Microbiol 2019; 85:e01773-19. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Volk CF, Burgdorf S, Edwardson G, Nizet V, Sakoulas G, Rose WE. IL-1β and IL-10 host reponses in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia determined by antimicrobial therapy. Clin Infect Dis 2019; 70:2634-2640. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gao NJ, Al-Bassam MM, Poudel S, Wozniak JM, Gonzalez DJ, Olson J, Zengler K, Nizet V, Valderrama JA. Functional and proteomic analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes virulence upon loss of its native Cas9 nuclease. Front Microbiol 2019; 10:1967. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Cohen-Katsenelson K, Stender JD, Uchiyama S, Grezchnik AT, Nizet V, Glass CK, Newton AC. PHLPP1 counterregulates STAT1-mediated inflammatory signaling. eLife 2019; 8:e48609. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Dillon N, Holland M, Tsenemoto H, Hancock B, Cornax I, Pogliano J, Sakoulas G, Nizet V. Surprising synergy of dual translation inhibition vs. Acinetobacter baumannii and other multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens eBiomedicine 2019; 46:193-201. ABSTRACT | PDF |
LaRock DL, Sands J, Ettouati E, Richard M, Bushway PJ, Adler ED, Nizet V, LaRock CN. Inflammasome inhibition blocks cardiac glycoside cell toxicity. J Biol Chem 2019; 294:12846-12854. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Rivera-Hernandez T, Carnathan D, Jones S, Cork A, Davies M, Moyle P, Toth I, Batzloff M, McCarthy J, Nizet V, Goldblatt D, Silvestri G, Walker MJ. An experimental group A Streptococcus vaccine that reduces pharyngitis and tonsillitis in a non-human primate model. mBio 2019 10:e00693-19. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Meier A, Chien J, Hobohm L, Patras KA, Nizet V, Corriden R. Inhibition of human neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) production by propofol and lipid emulsion. Front Pharmacol 2019; 10:323. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Ulloa ER, Dillon N, Tsunemoto H, Pogliano J, Sakoulas G, Nizet V. Avibactam sensitizes carbapenem-resistant NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae to innate immune clearance. J Infect Dis 2019 220:484-493. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Patras KA, Ha AD, Rooholfada E, Olson J, RamachandraRao SP, Lin AE, Nizet V. Augmentation of urinary lactoferrin enhances host innate immune clearance of uropathogenic E. coli. J Innate Immun 2019; 11:481-495. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Dahesh S, Wong B, Nizet V, Sakoulas G (Discussion by Tran TT, Aitken SL. Treatment of multi-drug resistant vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium hardware-associated vertebral osteomyelitis with oritavancin plus ampicillin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019; 63:e02622-18. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Uchiyama S, Sun J, Fukahori K, Wu M, Varki A, Marth JD, Nizet V. Dual actions of group B Streptococcus capsular sialic acid provide resistance to platelet-mediated antimicrobial killing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019; 116:7465- 7470. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Zhang Q, Chao TC, Patil VS, Qin Y, Kant Tiwari S, Chiou J, Dobin A, Tsai CM, Li Z, Dang J, Gupta S, Urdahl K, Nizet V, Gingeras TR, Gaulton K, Rana TM. A cis-acting long noncoding RNA ROCKI regulates inflammatory gene expression. EMBO J 2019; 38:e100041. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Poudel S, Tsunemoto H, Meehan M, Szubin R, Olson C, Lamsa A, Seif Y, Dillon N, Vrbanac A, Sugie J, Dahesh S, Monk J, Dorrestein P, Pogliano J, Knight R, Nizet V, Palsson B, Feist A. Characterization of CA-MRSA TCH1516 exposed to nafcillin in bacteriologic and physiologic media. Sci Data 2019; 6:43. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Caffrey AR, Timbrook TT, Ali SR, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Proton pump inhibitors do not influence clinical outcomes in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2019; 12:1756384819834273. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Geriak M, Haddad F, Rizvi K, Rose W, Kullar R, LaPlante K, Yu M, Vasina L, Oueletter K, Zervos M, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Clinical data on daptomycin plus ceftaroline versus standard of care monotherapy in the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019; 63:e02483-18. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Bauman KD, Li J, Murata K, Mantovani SM, Dahesh S, Nizet V, Luhavaya H, Moore BS. Refactoring the cryptic streptophenazine biosynthetic gene cluster unites phenazine, polyketide, and nonribosomal peptide biochemistry. Cell Chem Biol 2019; 6:724-736. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Nerlich A, Lapschies AM, Kohler TP, Cornax I, Eichhorn I, Goldmann O, Krienke P, Bergmann S, Nizet V, Hammerschmidt S, Rohde M, Fulde M. Homophilic protein interactions facilitate bacterial aggregation and IgG dependent complex formation by the Streptococcus canis M protein SCM. Virulence 2019; 10:194-206. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Walker MJ, Brouwer S, Forde BM, Worthing KA, McIntyre L, Sundac L, Maloney S, Roberts LW, Barnett TC, Richter J, Cork AJ, Irwin AD, You Y, Zhang J, Dougan G, Yuen KY, Nizet V, Beatson SA, Grimwold K, Davies MR. Detection of epidemic scarlet fever group A Streptococcus in Australia. Clin Infect Dis 2019; 69:1232-1234. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Huang YM, Munguia J, Miao Y, Nizet V, McCammon JA. Docking simulation and antibiotic discovery targeting the MlaC protein in Gram-negative bacteria. Chem Biol Drug Des 2019; 93:647-652. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Boeltz S, Amini P, Anders HJ, Andrade F, Bilyy R, Chatfield S, Cichon I, Clancy DM, Desai J, Dumych T, Dwivedi N, Gordon RA, Hahn J, Hidalgo A, Hoffman MH, Kaplan MJ, Knight JS, Kolaczkowska E, Kubes P, Leppkes M, Manfredi AA, Martin SJ, Maueröder C, Maugeri N, Mitroulis I, Munoz LE, Nakazawa D, Neeli I, Nizet V, Pieterse E, Radic MZ, Reinwald C, Ritis K, Rovere- Querini P, Santocki M, Schauer C, Schett G, Shlomchik MJ, Simon HU, Skendros P, Stojkov D, Vandenabeele P, Vanden Berghe T, van der Vlag J, Vitkov L, von Köckritz- Blickwede M, Yousefi S, Zarbock A, Herrmann M. To NET or not to NET: Current opinions and state of the science regarding the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps. Cell Death Differ 2019; 26:395-408. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Dan JM, Dr. Colin Havenar-Daughton C, Kendric K, Kaushik K, Rosales S, Anderson E, LaRock C, Pandurangan V, Seumois G, Layfield D, Cutress R, Ottensmeier C, Lindestam Alrehman C, Sette A, Nizet V, Bothwell M, Brigger M, Crotty S. Recurrent tonsillitis is an immunosusceptibility disease involving antibody deficiency and aberrant TFH cells. Sci Transl Med 2019; 11:eaau3776. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Meier A, Nizet V. Impact of anesthetics on human neutrophil function. Anesth Analg 2019; 128:569-574. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Riestra AM, Valderrama JA, Patras KA, Booth SD, Quek X, Tsai CM, Nizet V. Trichomonas vaginalis induces NLRP3 inflammasome activation and pyroptosis in human macrophages. J Innate Immun 2019; 11:86-98. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Geriak M, Nizet V. Is a question of penicillin allergy sufficient grounds to forgo the multidimensional antimicrobial benefits of β-lactam antibiotics? Clin Infect Dis 2019; 68:157-164. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Escajadillo T, Nizet V. Pharmacological targeting of pore-forming toxins as adjunctive therapy for invasive bacterial infections. Toxins 2018; 10:542. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Vrbanac A, Riestra A, Coady A, Knight R, Nizet V, Patras KA. The murine vaginal microbiota and perturbation by the human pathogen group B Streptococcus. BMC Microbiol 2018; 18:197. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Uchiyama S, Dahesh S, Nizet V, Kessler J. Enhanced topical delivery of non-complexed molecular iodine for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus decolonization. Int J Pharmaceut 2018; 554:81-86. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Coady A, Ramos AR, Olson J, Nizet V, Patras KA. Tamm-Horsfall protein protects the urinary tract against Candida albicans. Infect Immun 2018; 86:e00451-18. ABSTRACT | PDF |
van Hensbergen VP, Movert E, de Maat V, Le Breton Y, Lambeau G, Payre C, Kahn F, Henningham A, Nizet V, Van Strijp JA, Carlsson F, McIver KS, van Sorge NM. Streptococcal Lancefield polysaccharides are critical cell wall determinants for human group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 to exert its bactericidal effects. PLoS Pathogens 2018; 14:e1007348. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Kavvas E, Catoiu E, Mih N, Yurkovich J, Seif Y, Dillon N, Heckmann D, Anand A, Yang L, Nizet V, Monk J, Palsson BO. Machine learning and structural analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pan-genome identifies genetic signatures of antibiotic resistance. Nat Commun 2018; 9:4306. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Yang WH, Heithoff DM, Aziz P, Haslund-Gourney B, Westman JS, Narisawa S, Pinkerton AB, Millan JL, Nizet V, Mahan MJ, Marth JD. Accelerated aging and clearance of host anti-inflammatory enzymes by discrete pathogens fuels sepsis. Cell Host Microb 2018; 24:500-513. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Fong J, Tsai CM, Saha S, Nizet V, Varki A, Bui J. Siglec-7 engagement by GBS β-protein suppresses pyroptotic cell death of natural killer cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2018; 115:10410-10415. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Patras KA, Derieux J, Al-Bassam MM, Adiletta N, Vrbanac A, Lapek JD, Zengler K, Gonzalez DJ, Nizet V. Group B Streptococcus biofilm regulatory protein A contributes to bacterial physiology and innate immune resistance. J Infect Dis 2018; 218:1641-1652. ABSTRACT | PDF. | Supplemental |
Askarian F, Wagner T, Johannessen M, Nizet V. Staphylococcus aureus modulation of innate immune responses through Toll-like (TLR), (NOD)-like (NLR) and C-type lectin (CLR) receptors. FEMS Microbiol Rev 2018; 42:656-671. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Alisson-Silva F, Liu J, Diaz S, Deng L, Gareau M, Chen X, Nizet V, Varki N, Barrett K, Varki A. Human evolutionary loss of epithelial Neu5Gc expression and the species-specific susceptibility to cholera. PLoS Pathogens 2018; 14:e1007133. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Kumaraswamy M, Collignon S, Do C, Kim J, Nizet V, Friend J. Decontaminating surfaces with atomized disinfectants generated by a novel thickness-mode lithium niobate device. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2018; 102:6459-6467. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Soderholm AT, Barnett TC, Korn O, Hernandez TR, Seymour LM, Schulz BL, Nizet V, Wells CA, Sweet MJ, Walker MJ. Group A Streptococcus M1T1 intracellular infection of primary tonsil epithelial cells dampens levels of secreted IL-8 through the action of SpyCEP. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2018; 8:160. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Gupta N, Nizet V. Stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha augments the therapeutic capacity of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in experimental pneumonia. Front Med 2018; 5:131. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Jati S, Kundu S, Chakraborty A, Mahata SK, Nizet V, Sen M. Wnt5A signaling promotes defense against bacterial pathogens by activating a host autophagy circuit. Front Immunol 2018; 9:679. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Gupta N, Liu R, Shin S, Sinha R, Pogliano J, Pogliano K, Griffin JH, Nizet V, Corriden R. SCH79797 improves outcomes in experimental bacterial pneumonia by boosting neutrophil killing and direct antibiotic activity. J Antimicrob Chemother 73:1586-1594. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
van den Broek MFL, De Boeck I, Claes IJJ, Nizet V, Lebeer S. Multifactorial inhibition of lactobacilli against the respiratory tract pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis. Benef Microbes 2018; 9:429-439. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Monogue M, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Nicolau D. Humanized exposures of a β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor, tazobactam, versus non-β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor, avibactam, with or without colistin, against Acinetobacter baumannii in murine thigh and lung infection models. Pharmacology 2018; 101:255-261. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Askarian F, Lapek JD, Tsai CM, Kumaraswamy M, Kousha A, Valderrama JA, Ludviksen JA, Cavanagh PJ, Uchiyama S, Mollnes TE, Gonzalez DJ, Wai SN, Nizet V, Johannessen M. Staphylococcus aureus membrane- derived vesicles promote bacterial virulence and confer protective immunity in murine infection models. Front Microbiol 2018; 9:262. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Patras KA, Nizet V. Group B streptococcal maternal colonization and neonatal disease: molecular mechanisms and preventative approaches. Front Pediatr 2018; 6:27. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Chen Y, Chen M, Zhang Y, Lee JH, Escajadillo T, Gong H, Fang RH, Gao W, Nizet V, Zhang L. Broad-spectrum neutralization of pore-forming toxins with human erythrocyte membrane-coated nanosponges. Adv Health Mater 2018; 7:e1701366. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Choe D, Szubin R, Dahesh S, Cho S, Nizet V, Palsson BO, Cho BK. Genome-scale analysis of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 reveals a tradeoff between pathogenesis mechanisms and antibiotic resistance. Sci Rep 2018; 8:2215. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Haripriyan J, Omanakuttan A, Menon ND, Vanuopadath M, Nair SS, Corriden R, Nair BG, Nizet V, Kumar GB. Clove bud oil modulates pathogenicity phenotypes of the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sci Rep 2018; 8:3437. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Lawrence SM, Corriden R, Nizet V. The ontogeny of a neutrophil: mechanisms of granulopoiesis and homeostasis. Mol Biol Microbiol Rev 2018; 82:e00057-17. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gupta N, Sinha R, Krasnodembskaya A, Xu X, Nizet V, Matthay MA, Griffin JH. The TLR4-PAR1 axis regulates bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cell survival and therapeutic capacity in experimental bacterial pneumonia. Stem Cells 2018; 36:796-806. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Henningham A, Davies MR, Uchiyama S, Van Sorge NM, Lund S, Bannon K, Walker MJ, Cole JN, Nizet V. Virulence role of the GlcNAc sidechain of the Lancefield cell wall carbohydrate antigen in non-M1 serotype group A Streptococcus. mBio 2018; 9:e02294-17. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kumaraswamy M, Do C, Sakoulas G, Nonejuie P, Tseng GW, King H, Fierer J, Pogliano J, Nizet V. Listeria monocytogenes endocarditis: Case report, review of the literature, and laboratory evaluation of potential novel antibiotic synergies. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2018; 51:468-478. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Britt N, Tirmizi S, Ritchie D, Topal J, McManus D, Nizet V, Casabar E, Sakoulas G. Telavancin for refractory methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in intermittent hemodialysis recipients. J Antimicrob Chemother 2018; 73: 764-767. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Mascuch SJ, Boudreau PD, Carland TM, Pierce NT, Olson J, Hensler ME, Choi H, Campanale J, Hamdoun A, Nizet V, Gerwick WH, Gaasterland T, Gerwick L. Marine natural product honaucin A attenuates inflammation by activating the Nrf2-ARE pathway. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Liu JZ, Ali SR, Bier E, Nizet V. Innate immune interactions between Bacillus anthracis and host neutrophils. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2018; 8:2. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Valderrama JA, Nizet V. Group A Streptococcus encounters with host macrophages. Future Microbiol 2018; 13:119- 134. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Mesci P, Macia A, LaRock CN, Tejwani L, Fernandes IR, Suarez NA, Zanotto PM, Beltrão-Braga PC, Nizet V, Muotri AR. Modeling neuro-immune interactions during Zika virus infection. Human Mol Genet 2018; 27:41-52. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Andreoni, F, Ugolini F, Keller N, Neff A, Nizet V, Hollands A, Marques-Maggio E, Zinkernagel A, Schuepbach R. Immunoglobulin attenuates streptokinase-mediated virulence in Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis necrotizing fasciitis. J Infect Dis 2018; 217:270-279. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Reynolds KA, Dahesh S, Nizet V, Moore BS. Isolation and structure elucidation of taromycin B from the activated taromycin biosynthetic gene cluster. J Antibiot 2017; 71: 333 – 338. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Catteau L, Reichmann NT, Olson J, Pinho M, Nizet V, van Bambeke F, Quetin-LeClercq J. Synergy between ursolic and oleanolic acids from Vitellaria paradoxa leaf extract and β-lactams against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: in vitro and in vivo activity and underlying mechanisms. Molecules 2017; 22:2245. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Yang WH, Heithoff DM, Aziz PV, Sperandio M, Nizet V, Mahan MJ, Marth JD. Recurrent Salmonella infection progressively disables host protection against intestinal inflammation. Science 2017; 358:eaao5610. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Sakoulas G, Kumaraswamy M, Kousha A, Nizet V. Interaction of antibiotics with innate host defense factors against Salmonella enterica serotype Newport. mSphere 2017; 2:e00410-17. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Zhang Y, Gao W, Chen Y, Escajadillo T, Ungerleider JL, Fang RH, Christman KL, Nizet V, Zhang L. Self-assembled colloidal gel using cell membrane-coated nanosponges as building blocks. ACS Nano 2017; 11:11923-11930. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Thamphiwatana S, Angsantikul P, Escajadillo T, Zhang Q, Olson J, Luk BT, Zhang S, Fang RH, Gao W, Nizet V, Zhang L. Macrophage-like nanoparticles concurrently absorbing endotoxins and proinflammatory cytokines for sepsis management. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017; 114:11488–11493. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Guichard A, Jain P, Moayeri M, Schwarz R, Chin S, Zhu L, Cruz-Moreno B, Liu JZ, Aguilar B, Hollands A, Leppla SH, Nizet V, Bier E. Anthrax edema toxin disrupts distinct steps in Rab11-dependent junctional transport. PLoS Pathog 2017; 13:e1006603. ABSTRACT | PDF. | Supplemental |
Sun J, Lei L, Tsai CM, Wang Y, Shi Y, Ouyang M, Lu S, Seong J, Kim T, Wang P, Huang M, Xu X, Nizet V, Chien S, Wang Y. Engineered proteins with sensing and activating modules for automated reprogramming of cellular functions. Nat Commun 2017; 8:477. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Schooley R, Biswas B, Gill J, Hernandez-Morales A, Lancaster J, Lessor L, Barr J, Reed S, Rohwer F, Benler S, Segall A, Taplitz R, Smith D, Kerr K, Kumaraswamy M, Nizet V, Lin L, McCauley M, Strathdee S, Benson C, Leroux B, Pope R, Picel A, Mateczun A, Cilwa K, Regeimbal J, Estrella L, Wolfe D, Henry M, Quinones J, Salka S, Bishop-Lilly K, Young R, Hamilton T. Development and use of personalized bacteriophage-based therapeutic cocktails to treat a patient with a disseminated resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61:e00954-17. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Munguia J, LaRock D, Tsunemoto H, Olson J, Pogliano P, Nizet V. The Mla pathway is critical for Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance to outer membrane permeabilization and host innate immune clearance. J Mol Med 2017; 95:1127–1136. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Patras KA, Coady A, Olson J, Ali SR, RamachandraRao S, Varki A, Nizet V. Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein engages human Siglec-9 to modulate neutrophil activation in the urinary tract. Immunol Cell Biol 2017; 95:960-965. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Valderrama JA, Riestra A, Gao NJ, LaRock CN, Gao NJ, Gupta N, Ali SR, Hoffman HM, Ghosh P, Nizet V. Group A streptococcal M protein activates the NLRP3 inflammasome. Nat Microbiol 2017; 2;1425–1434. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | News and Views |
Nizet V. The accidental orthodoxy of Drs. Mueller and Hinton. EBiomedicine 2017; 22:26-27. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Severino P, Ariga SK, Barbeiro HV, de Lima TM, de Paula Silva E, Barbeiro DF, Machado MC, Nizet V, Pinheiro da Silva F. Cathelicidin-deficient mice exhibit increased survival and upregulation of key inflammatory response genes following cecal ligation and puncture. J Mol Med 2017; 95:995–1003. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Escajadillo T, Olson J, Luk BT, Zhang L, Nizet V. A red blood cell membrane-camouflaged nanoparticle counteracts streptolysin O-mediated virulence phenotypes of invasive group A Streptococcus. Front Pharmacol 2017; 8:477. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Lizcano A, Secundino I, Döhrmann S, Corriden R, Deng L, Diaz S, Nizet V, Varki A. Erythrocyte sialoglycoproteins engage Siglec-9 on neutrophils to suppress activation. Blood 2017; 29:3100-3110. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Lin AE, Autran CA, Szyszka A, Escajadillo T, Huang M, Godula K, Prudden AR, Boons GJ, Lewis AL, Doran KS, Nizet V, Bode L. Human milk oligosaccharides inhibit growth of group B Streptococcus. J Biol Chem 2017; 92;11243–11249. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Rose WE, Berti AD, Hayney MS, Henriquez K, Ranzoni A, Cooper MA, Shukla SK, Proctor RA, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Increased endovascular Staphylococcus aureus inoculum is the link between elevated serum IL-10 concentrations and mortality in patients with bacteremia. Clin Infect Dis 2017; 64:1406-1412. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Lawrence SM, Corriden R, Nizet V. Age-appropriate functions and dysfunctions of the neonatal neutrophil. Front Pediatr 2017; 5:23. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Munguia J, Nizet V. Pharmacological targeting of the host-pathogen interaction: Alternatives to classical antibiotics to combat drug-resistant superbugs. Trends Pharm Sci 2017; 38:473-488. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Döhrmann S, LaRock CN, Anderson EL, Cole JN, Ryali B, Stewart C, Nonejuie P, Pogliano J, Corriden R, Ghosh P, Nizet V. Group A streptococcal M1 protein provides resistance against the antimicrobial activity of histones. Sci Rep 2017; 7:43039. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Okerblom J, Schwarz F, Olson J, Fletes W, Ali SR, Martin PT, Glass CK, Nizet V, Varki A. Loss of CMAH during human evolution primed the monocyte-macrophage lineage towards a more inflammatory and phagocytic state. J Immunol 2017; 198:2366-2373. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Schwarz F, Landig C, Siddiqui S, Secundino I, Garcia-Bingman A, Olson J, Varki N, Nizet V, Varki A. Paired Siglec receptors generate opposite inflammatory responses to a human-specific pathogen. EMBO J. 2017; 36:751-760. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Storisteanu DM, Pocock JM, Cowburn AS, Juss JK Nadesalingam A, Nizet V, Chilvers ER. Evasion of neutrophil extracellular traps by respiratory pathogens. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2017; 56:423-431. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Caffrey AR, Timbrook T, Noh E, Sakoulas G, Opal SM, Nizet V, LaPlante KL. Evidence to support continuation of statin therapy in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61:e02228-16. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
De Oliveira DM, Hartley-Tassel L, Everest-Dass A, Day CJ, Dabbs R, Nizet V, Packer NH, Walker MJ, Jennings MP, Sanderson-Smith ML. Blood group antigen recognition via the group A streptococcal M protein mediates host colonisation. mBio 2017; 8:e02237-16. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
van Wijk XM, Döhrmann S, Voldborg BG, Hallström BM, Li S, Meng BX, McKee KK, van Kuppevelt TH, Yurchenco PD, Palsson BO, Lewis NE, Nizet V, Esko JD. Whole genome sequencing of invasion-resistant cells identifies laminin α2 as a host factor for bacterial invasion. mBio 2017; e02128-16. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Sakoulas G, Rose W, Berti A, Olson J, Munguia J, Nonejuie P, Sakoulas E, Rybak MJ, Pogliano J, Nizet V. Classical β-lactamase inhibitors potentiate the activity of daptomycin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and colistin against Acinetobacter baumannii. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61: e01745-16. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Coady A, Nizet V. SAMP-ening down sepsis. Ann Transl Med 2016; 4:509. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Askarian F, Uchiyama S, van Sorge NM, Sollid JU, Nizet V, van Strijp JA, Johannessen M. Serine-aspartate-repeat protein D increases Staphylococcus aureus virulence and survival in blood. Infect Immun 2016; 1:e00559-16. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Sorg RA, Lin L, van Doorn S, Sorg M, Olson J, Nizet V, Veening JW. Collective resistance in microbial communities by intracellular antibiotic deactivation. PLoS Biol 2016; 14:e2000631. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Hentrich K, Löfling J, Pathak A, Nizet V, Varki A, Henriques-Normark B. Streptococcus pneumoniae senses a humanlike sialic acid profile via the response regulator CiaR. Cell Host Microbe 2016; 20:307-17. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Buffalo CZ, Bahn-Suh AJ, Hirakis SP, Biswas T, Amaro RE, Nizet V, Ghosh P. Broad recognition in the interaction of group A Streptococcus M protein hypervariable regions with human C4b-binding protein. Nat Microbiol 2016; 1:16155. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Flores R, Döhrmann S, Hakkim A, Nizet V, Corriden R. The selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene inhibits neutrophil extracellular trap formation. Front Immunol 2016; 7:566. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Olson J, Yim J, Singh N, Kumaraswamy M, Quach D, Rybak M, Pogliano J, Nizet V. Cefazolin and ertapenem: A synergistic combination used to clear persistent Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2016; 60:6609-6618. ABSTRACT | PDF |
LaRock CN, Todd J, LaRock D, Olson J, Robertson AA, Cooper MA, Hoffman HM, Nizet V. IL-1β is an innate immune sensor of microbial proteolysis. Science Immunol 2016; 1:eaah3539. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary |
Sganappa A, Bellucci MC, Nizet V, Tor Y, Volonterio A. Multicomponent domino synthesis and antibacterial activity of neomycin-sugar conjugates. Synthesis 2016; 48: 4443-4450. DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562727 ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Döhrmann S, Cole JN, Nizet V. Conquering neutrophils. PLoS Pathog 2016; 12:e1005682. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Makoni M, Eckert J, Pereira HA, Nizet V, Lawrence SM. Alterations in neutrophil function attributable to increased immature forms. Early Hum Dev 2016; 103:1-7.c ABSTRACT | PDF |
Stewart C, Valderamma JA, Henningham A, Cole JN, Nizet V, Ghosh P. Coiled-coil destabilizing residues in the group A Streptococcus M1 protein are required for functional interaction. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2016; 13:9515-20. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Rivera-Hernandez T, Pandey M, Henningham A, Cole JN, Choudhury B, Walker A, Duplanic C, Abdul Ghaffar K, West NP, Silvestri G, Good M, Moyle P, Toth I, Nizet V, Batzloff M, Walker MJ. Differing efficacy of lead group A streptococcal vaccine candidates and full-length M protein in cutaneous and invasive disease models. mBio 2016; 7:e00618-16. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Carey AJ, Weinberg JB, Dawid SR, Venturini C, Lam AK, Nizet V, Caparon M, Walker MJ, Watson ME, Ulett GC. Interleukin-17A controls Streptococcus pyogenes colonization and inflammation of the female genital tract. Sci Rep 2016; 6:26836. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Yamaguchi M, Hirose Y, Nakata M, Uchiyama S, Yamaguchi Y, Goto K, Sumitomo T, Lewis AL, Kawabata S, Nizet V. Evolutionary inactivation of a sialidase in group B Streptococcus. Sci Rep 2016; 6: 28852. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Bosil E, Monk J, Aziz RK, Fondi M, Nizet V, Palsson BO. Comparative genome-scale modeling of multiple Staphylococcus aureus strains identifies unique metabolic capabilities linked to pathogenicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2016; 13:E3801-9. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Le J, Dam Q, Schweizer M, Thienphrapa W, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Effects of vancomycin versus nafcillin in enhancing killing of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia by human cathelicidin LL-37. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2016; 35:1441-1447. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Hollands A, Corriden R, Gysler G, Dahesh S, Olson J, Kunkel MT, Lin AE, Forli S, Newton AC, Kumar GB, Nair BG, Perry JJP, Nizet V. Natural product anacardic acid from cashew nut shells stimulates neutrophil extracellular trap production and bactericidal activity. J Biol Chem 2016; 291:13964-13973. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Lin L, Kim J, Chen H, Nizet V. Component analysis of multi-purpose contact lens solutions to enhance activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2016; 60:4259-4263. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Huang YM, Miao Y, Munguia J, Lin L, Nizet V, McCammon JA. Molecular dynamic study of MlaC protein in Gram negative bacteria: conformational flexibility, solvent effect and protein-phospholipid binding. Prot Sci 2016; 25:1430-7. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Völlger L, Akong-Moore KA, Cox L, Goldmann O, Wang Y, Schäfer S, Naim H, Nizet V, von Köckritz-Blickwede M. Iron chelating agent desferrioxamine stimulates formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in human bloodderived neutrophils. Biosci Rep 2016; 36:e00333. ABSTRACT | PDF |
von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Blodkamp S, Nizet V. Interaction of bacterial exotoxins with neutrophil extracellular traps: impact for the infected host. Front Microbiol 2016; 7:402. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kumaraswamy M, Lin L, Olson J, Sun C-F, Nonejuie P, Corriden R, Döhrmann S, Ali SR, Amara D, Rohde M, Pogliano J, Sakoulas G, Nizet V. Standard susceptibility testing masks potent azithromycin activity and cationic peptide synergy against multidrug-resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. J Antimicrob Chemother 2016; 71:1264-9. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Quach DT, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Pogliano J, Pogliano K. Bacterial cytological profiling as a rapid and accurate antimicrobial susceptibility testing method for Staphylococcus aureus. eBiomedicine 2016; 4: 95-103. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Cole JN, Nizet V. Bacterial evasion of host antimicrobial peptide defenses. Microbiol Spectr 2016; 4:VMBF-0006-2015. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Berti AD, Theisen E, Demain-Sauer J, Nonejuie N, Olson J, Pogliano J, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Proctor RA, Rose WE. Penicillin binding protein 1 is important in the compensatory response of Staphylococcus aureus to daptomycin-induced membrane damage and is a potential target for β-lactam-daptomycin synergy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2016; 60:451-458. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kolar S, Kyme P, Tseng CW, Soliman A, Kaplan A, Liangó J, Nizet V, Jiang D, Murali R, Arditi M, Underhill DM, Liu GY. Group B Streptococcus evades host immunity by degrading hyaluronan. Cell Host Microbe 2015; 18:694- 704. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Uchiyama S, Döhrmann S, Timmer AM, Dixit N, Ghochani M, Bhandari T, Timmer JC, Sprague K, Bubeck-Wardenburg J, Simon SI, Nizet V. Streptolysin O rapidly impairs neutrophil oxidative burst and antibacterial responses to group A Streptococcus. Front Immunol 2015; 6:581. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental. |
LaRock CN, Nizet V. Inflammasome/IL-1β responses to streptococcal pathogens. Front Immunol 2015; 6:518. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Fong JJ, Sreehara K, Deng L, Varki NM, Angata T, Liu Q, Nizet V, Varki A. Immunomodulatory activity of extracellular Hsp70 mediated via paired receptors Siglec-5 and Siglec-14. EMBO J 2015; 34:2775-88. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Barnett T, Cole JN, Rivera Hernandez T, Henningham A, Paton J, Nizet V, Walker MJ. Streptococcal toxins: role in pathogenesis and disease. Cell Microbiol 2015; 17:1721-1741. ABSTRACT | PDF |
LaRock CN, Döhrmann S, Todd J, Corriden R, Olson J, Johannssen T, Lepenies B, Gallo RL, Ghosh P, Nizet V. Group A streptococcal M1 protein sequesters cathelicidin to evade immune killing. Cell Host Microbe 2015; 18:471-477. ABSTRACT | PDF | Commentary |
Grimsey NJ, Aguilar B, Smith TH, Le PN, Soohoo A, Puthenveedu MA, Nizet V, Trejo J. Ubiquitin plays an atypical role in GPCR-induced p38 MAP kinase activation on endosomes. J Cell Biol 2015; 210:1117-1131. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Secundino I, Roupé KM, Wang X, Ali SR, Dahesh S, Amayreh LK, Varki A, Nizet V. Host and pathogen hyaluronan signal through human Siglec-9 to suppress neutrophil activation. J Mol Med 2015; 4:219-33. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Pence MA, Haste NM, Sabhatu HM, Olson J, Gallo RL, Nizet V, Kristian SA. Beta-lactamase repressor BlaI modulates Staphylococcus aureus cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide resistance and virulence. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0136605 ABSTRACT | PDF |
Xu D, Olson J, Cole JN, van Wijk XM, Brinkmann V, Zychlinsky A, Nizet V, Esko JD, Chang YC. Heparan sulfate modulates neutrophil and endothelial function in antibacterial innate immunity. Infect Immun 2015; 83:3648-3656. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Kumaraswamy M, Nonejuie P, Werth B, Rybak MJ, Pogliano J, Rice LB, Nizet V. Differential effects of penicillin-binding protein inactivation on the susceptibility of Enterococcus faecium to cationic peptide antibiotics. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015; 59:6132-9. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Corriden R, Hollands A, Olson J, Derieux J, Lopez JM, Gonzalez DJ, Nizet V. Tamoxifen augments the innate immune function of neutrophils through modulation of intracellular ceramide. Nat Commun 2015; 6:8369. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental. |
Holden JK, Kang S, Beasley FC, Cinelli MA, Li H, Dejam D, Nizet V, Silverman RB, Poulos TL. Nitric oxide synthase as a target for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Chem Biol 2015; 22:785-92. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Lin L, Nonejuie P, Munguia J, Hollands A, Olson J, Dam Q, Kumaraswamy M, Rivera H, Corriden R, Rohde M, Hensler ME, Burkart MD, Pogliano J, Sakoulas G, Nizet V. Azithromycin synergizes with cationic antimicrobial peptides to exert bactericidal and therapeutic activity against highly multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. eBiomedicine 2015; 2:690–698. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary |
Hindler J, Wong-Beringer A, Charlton C, Campeau Miller S, Kelesidis T, Carvalho M, Sakoulas G, Nonejuie P, Pogliano J, Nizet V, Humphries R. In vitro activity of daptomycin in combination with β-lactams, gentamicin, rifampin and tigecycline against daptomycin non-susceptible enterococci. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015; 59:4279-8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Nizet V. Stopping superbugs, maintaining the microbiota. Sci Transl Med. 2015; 7:295ed8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kristian SA, Hwang JH, Hall B, Liere E, Iacomini J, Old R, Galili U, Roberts C, Mullis KB, Westby M, Nizet V. Retargeting preexisting human antibodies to a bacterial pathogen with an alpha-Gal conjugated aptamer. J Mol Med 2015; 93:619-31. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary | Press Release |
Awakawa T, Crüsemann M, Munguia J, Ziemer N, Nizet V, Moore BS. Salinipyrone and pacificanone are biosynthetic byproducts of the rosamicin polyketide synthase. ChemBioChem 2015; 16:1443-7. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
McEachern EK, Hwang JH, Sladewski KM, Nicatia S, Dewitz C, Mathew D, Nizet V, Crotty Alexander LE. Analysis of the effects of cigarette smoke on staphylococcal virulence phenotypes. Infect Immun 2015; 83:2443-52. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental. |
Lin AE, Beasley FC, Olson J, Keller N, Shalwitz RA, Hannan TJ, Hultgren SJ, Nizet V. Role of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) in innate defense against uropathogenic Escherichia coli infection. PLoS Pathogens 2015; 11:e1004818. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Harbut MB, Vilcheze C, Luo X, Hensler ME, Guo H, Yang B, Chatterjee AK, Nizet V, Jacobs WR, Shultz PG, Wang F. Auranofin exerts broad-spectrum bactericidal activities by targeting thiol-redox homeostasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015; 112:4453-8. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Lin AE, Beasley FC, Keller N, Hollands A, Urbano R, Troemel ER, Hoffman HM, Nizet V. Group A Streptococcus ADP-ribosyltransferase toxin SpyA stimulates a protective IL-1β-dependent macrophage immune response. mBio 2015; 6:e00133-15. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Shalova IN, Lim JY, Chittezhath M, Zinkernagel AS, Beasley F, Hernández-Jiménez E, Toledano V, Rapsardi A, Chen J, Kaibo D, Yang H, Poidinger M, Melillo G, Nizet V, Arnalich F, Lopez-Collazo E, Biswas SK. Human monocytes undergo functional re-programming during sepsis mediated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1α. Immunity 2015; 42:484-98. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Berti AD, Baines SL, Howden BP, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Proctor RA, Rose WE. Heterogeneity of genetic pathways toward daptomycin nonsusceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus determined by adjunctive antibiotics. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015; 59:2799 –806. ABSTRACT | PDF |
LaRock CN, Nizet V. Cationic antimicrobial peptide resistance mechanisms of streptococcal pathogens. Biochim Biophys Acta 2015; 1848:3047-54. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Nonejuie P, Kullar R, Pogliano J, Rybak MJ, Nizet V. Examining the use of ceftaroline in the treatment of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis with reference to human cathelicidin LL-37. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015; 59:2428-31. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Matak P, Heinis M, Mathieu JR, Corriden R, Delga S, Rouquette A, Mounier R, Raymond J, Lamarque D, Emile JF, Nizet V. Touati E, Peyssonnaux C. Myeloid HIF-1 is protective in H. pylori-mediated gastritis. J Immunol 2015; 194:3259-66. (cover article) ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Bier E, Nizet V. Hedgehog: Linking uracil to innate defense. Cell Host Microbe 2015; 17:146-158. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Henningham A, Döhrmann S, Nizet V, Cole JN. Mechanisms of group A Streptococcus resistance to reactive oxygen species. FEMS Microbiol Rev 2015; 39:488-508. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Ali SR, Karin M, Nizet V. Signaling cascades and inflammasome activation in microbial infections. Inflammasome 2015; 2:7–12. DOI:10.1515/infl-2015-0002 ABSTRACT | PDF |
Patel V, Carrion K, Hollands A, Hinton A, Gallegos T, Dyo J, Sasik R, Leire E, Hardiman G, Mohamed SA, Nigam S, King CC, Nizet V, Nigam V. The stretch responsive microRNA miR-148a is a novel repressor of IκBkB, NF-κB signaling, and inflammatory gene expression in human aortic valve cells. FASEB J 2015; 29:1859-68. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Wilkinson DS, Shah J, Ericka Anderson EL, Mitra K, Meisenhelder J, Chang JT, Ideker T, Hunter T, Nizet V, Dillin A, Hansen M. Phosphorylation of LC3 by the sterile-20 kinases STK3/STK4 is essential for autophagy. Mol Cell 2015; 57:55-68. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez DJ, Corriden R, Akong-Moore K, Olson J, Dorrestein PC, Nizet V. N-terminal ArgD peptides from the classical Staphylococcus aureus Agr system have cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities. Chem Biol 2014; 21:1457-1462. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kang S, Watanabe M, Jacobs JC, Yamaguchi M, Dahesh S, Nizet V, Leyh TS, Silverman RB. Synthesis of mevalonate and fluorinated mevalonate prodrugs and their in vitro human plasma stability. Eur J Med Chem 2014; 90C:448-461. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Henningham A, Yamaguchi M, Aziz RK, Kuipers K, Buffalo CZ, Dahesh S, Choudhury B, Van Vleet J, Yamaguchi Y, Seymour LM, Ben Zakour NL, He L, Smith HV, Grimwood K, Beatson SA, Ghosh P, Walker MJ, Nizet V, Cole JN. Mutual exclusivity of hyaluronan and hyaluronidase in invasive group A Streptococcus. J Biol Chem 2014; 289:32303-32315. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Palazon A, Goldrath A, Nizet V, Johnson RS. HIF transcription factors, inflammation and immunity. Immunity 2014; 41:518-528. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Neumann A, Völlger L, Berends ET, Nerlich A, Molhoek EM, Gallo RL, Meerloo T, Nizet V, Naim HY, von Köckritz-Blickwede M. The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 facilitates the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps. Biochem J 2014; 2014; 464:3–11. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Vega VL, Crotty Alexander LE, Charles W, Nizet V, De Maio A. Activation of the stress response in macrophages alters the M1/M2 balance by enhancing bacterial killing and increasing IL-10 expression. J Mol Med 014; 92:1305-1317. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Schommer NN, Muto J, Nizet V, Gallo RL. Hyaluronan breakdown contributes to immune defense against group A Streptococcus. J Biol Chem 2014; 289:26914-21. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Döhrmann S, Anik S, Olson J, Anderson EL, Etesami N, No H, Snipper J, Nizet V, Okumura CY. A role for streptococcal collagen-like protein-1 (Scl-1) in M1T1 group A Streptococcus resistance to neutrophil extracellular traps. Infect Immun 2014; 82:4011-20. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Guichard A, Nizet V, Bier E. Rab11-mediated trafficking in host-pathogen interactions. Nat Rev Microbiol 2014; 12:624-34. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Chang YC, Nizet V. The interplay between Siglecs and sialylated pathogens. Glycobiology 2014; 24: 818-25. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Fair RJ, McCoy LS, Hensler ME, Aguilar B, Nizet V, Tor Y. Singly modified amikacin and tobramycin derivatives show increased rRNA A-site binding and higher potency against resistant bacteria. ChemMedChem 2014; 9:2164-71. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Moise PA, Casapao AM, Nonejuie P, Olson J, Okumura CY, Rybak MJ, Kullar R, Dhand A, Rose WE, Goff DA, Bressler AM, Lee Y, Pogliano J, Johns S, Kaatz GW, Ebright JR, Nizet V. Antimicrobial salvage therapy for persistent staphylococcal bacteremia using daptomycin plus ceftaroline. Clin Therap 2014; 36:1317-1333. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Neumann A, Völlger L, Berends ET, Molhoek EM, Stapels DA, Midon M, Friães A, Pingoud A, Rooijakkers SM, Gallo RL, Mörgelin M, Nizet V, Naim HY, von Köckritz-Blickwede M. Novel role of the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 in the protection of neutrophil extracellular traps against degradation by bacterial nucleases. J Innate Immun 2014; 6:860-868. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Bhandari T, Nizet V. HIF as a pharmacological target for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Infect Dis Ther 2014; 3:159-74. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Okumura CYM, Nizet V. Subterfuge and sabotage: Evasion of host innate defenses by invasive Gram-positive bacterial pathogens. Ann Rev Microbiol 2014; 68:439-58. ABSTRACT | PDF |
van Sorge NM, Cole JN, Kuipers K, Henningham A, Aziz RK, Kasirer-Friede A, Lin L, Berends ETM, Davies MR, Dougan G, Zhang F, Dahesh S, Shaw L, Gin J, Cunningham M, Merriman JA, Hütter J, Lepenies B, Rooijakkers SHM, Malley R, Walker MJ, Shattil SJ, Schlievert PM, Choudhury B, Nizet V. The classical Lancefield antigen of group A Streptococcus is a virulence determinant with implications for vaccine design. Cell Host Microbe 2014; 15:729-40. ABSTRACT | PDF. |
Chang YC, Olson J, Louie A, Crocker PR, Varki A, Nizet V. Role of macrophage sialoadhesin in host defense against the sialylated pathogen group B Streptococcus. J Mol Med 2014; 92:951-9. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Sakoulas G, Guram K, Reyes K, Nizet V, Zervos M. Human cathelicidin LL-37 resistance and daptomycin MIC creep in USA600 (ST45) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus associated with increased mortality in a hospital setting. J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52:2172-4. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Tagliabraccia VS, Engel JL, Wiley SE, Xiao J, Gonzalez DJ, Nidumanda Appaiah H, Nizet V, White KE, Dixon JE. Dynamic regulation of FGF23 by FAM20C phosphorylation, GALNT3 glycosylation and Furin proteolysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111:5520-5. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Ali SR, Fong J, Carlin AF, Busch TD, Linden R, Angata T, Areschoug T, Parast M, Varki N, Murray J, Nizet V, Varki A. Siglec-5 and -14 are polymorphic paired receptors that modulate neutrophil and amnion signaling responses to group B Streptococcus. J Exp Med 2014; 211:1231-42. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez DJ, Vuong L, Gonzalez IS, Hwang HK, Hung J, Dixon JE, Dorrestein PC, Nizet V. Phenol soluble modulin variants of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus captured using mass spectrometry-based molecular networking. Mol Cell Proteomics 2014; 13:1262-72. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Liu Y, Haste NM, Thienphrapa W, Li J, Nizet V, Hensler M, Li R. Marinopyrrole derivatives as potential antibiotic agents against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (III). Marine Drugs 2014; 12:2458-70. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Hensler ME, Haste NM, Jang KH, Thienphrapa W, Vuong L, Tran DN, Soubih E, Lin L, Cunningham ML, Kwan B, Shaw KJ, Fenical W, Nizet V. Anthracimycin activity against contemporary methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Antibiot 2014; 67:549-53. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Walker MJ, Barnett TC, McArthur JD, Cole JN, Gillen CM, Henningham A, Sriprakash KS, Sanderson-Smith ML, Nizet V. Disease manifestations and pathogenic mechanisms of group A Streptococcus. Clin Microbol Rev 2014; 27:264-301. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Franks SE, Ebrahimi C, Hollands A, Okumura CY, Aroian RV, Nizet V, McGillivray SM. Novel role for the yceGH tellurite resistance genes in the pathogenesis of Bacillus anthracis. Infect Immun 2014; 82:1132-40. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Randis TM, Gelber SE, Hooven TA, Abellar RG, Akabas LH, Lewis EL, Walker LB, Byland LM, Nizet V, Ratner AJ. Group B Streptococcus β-hemolysin/cytolysin breaches maternal-fetal barriers to cause preterm birth and intrauterine fetal demise in vivo. J Infect Dis 2014; 210:265-73. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Askarian F, van Sorge NM, Sangvika M, Beasley FC, Henriksend JR, Sollida JU, van Strijp J, Nizet V, Johannessen M. Α Staphylococcus aureus TIR domain protein virulence factor blocks TLR2-mediated NF-κB signaling. J Innate Immun 2014; 6:485-98. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Padler-Karavani V, Hurtado-Ziola N, Chang YC, Sonnenburg JL, Ronaghy A, Yu H, Verhagen A, Nizet V, Chen X, Varki N, Varki A, Angata T. Rapid evolution of binding specificities and expression patterns of inhibitory CD33-related Siglecs in primates. FASEB J 2014; 28:1280-93. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Ly D, Taylor JM, Tsatsaronis J, Monteleone M, Skora A, Donald C, Maddocks T, Nizet V, West N, Ranson M, Walker M, McArthur J, Sanderson-Smith M. Plasmin(ogen) acquisition by group A Streptococcus protects against C3b mediated neutrophil killing. J Innate Immun 2014; 6: 240-50. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Opaluch AM, Schneider M, Chiang CY, Nguyen QT, Maestre AM, Mulder LC, Secundino I, De Jesus PD, König R, Simon V, Nizet V, MacLeod G, Varmuza S, Fernandez-Sesma A, Chanda SK. Positive regulation of TRAF6-dependent innate immune responses by protein phosphatase PP1-γ. PLoS One 2014 9:e89284. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Anderson EL, Cole JN, Olson J, Ryba B, Ghosh P, Nizet V. The fibrinogen-binding M1 protein reduces pharyngeal cell adherence and colonization phenotypes of M1T1 group A Streptococcus. J Biol Chem 2014; 289:3539–46. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Rose W, Nonjuie P, Olson J, Pogliano J, Humphries R, Nizet V. Ceftaroline restores daptomycin activity against daptomycin-nonsusceptible vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014; 58:1494- 500. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Roupé KM, Veerla S, Olson J, Stone EL, Sørensen O, Hedrick SM, Nizet V. Transcription factor binding site analysis identifies FOXO transcription factors as regulators of the cutaneous wound healing process. PLoS One 2014; 9: e89274. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Cowburn AS, Crotty Alexander LE, Nizet V, Chilvers ER, Johnson RS. Epidermal deletion of HIF-2α stimulates wound closure. J Invest Derm 2014; 134: 801–8. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Yamanaka K, Reynolds KA, Kersten RD, Ryan KS, Gonzalez DJ, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC, Moore BS. Direct cloning and refactoring of a silent lipopeptide biosynthetic gene cluster yields the antibiotic taromycin A. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014; 111:1957-62. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Sakoulas G, Okumura CY, Thienphrapa W, Olson J, Dam Q, Dhand A, Yeaman MR, Hensler ME, Bayer AS, Nizet V. Nafcillin enhances innate immune-mediated killing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Mol Med 2014; 92:139-49. ABSTRACT | PDF | Commentary |
Chang YC, Olson J, Beasley FC, Tung C, Zhang J, Crocker PR, Varki A, Nizet V. Group B Streptococcus engages an inhibitory Siglec through sialic acid mimicry to blunt innate immune and inflammatory responses in vivo. PLoS Pathogens 2014; 10:e1003846. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Lin AE, Autran CA, Española SD, Bode L, Nizet V. Human milk oligosaccharides protect bladder epithelial cells against uropathogenic Escherichia coli invasion and cytotoxicity. J Infect Dis 2014; 209:389-98. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary |
Crotty Alexander L, Marsh B, Timmer A, Zainabadi K, Czopik A, Guarente L, Nizet V. Myeloid cell sirtuin-1 expression does not alter host immune responses to Gram-negative endotoxemia or Gram-positive bacterial infection. PLoS One 2013; 8:e84481. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Barnett TC, Liebl D, Seymour LM, Gillen CM, Lim JY, LaRock CN, Davies MR, Shulz BL, Nizet V, Teasdale RD, Walker MJ. The globally disseminated M1T1 clone of group A Streptococcus evades autophagy for intracellular replication. Cell Host Microbe 2013; 14:675-82. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary | Cover Article |
Grewal PK, Aziz PV, Uchiyama S, Rubio GR, Le D, Varki N, Nizet V, Marth JD. Inducing host protection in pneumococcal sepsis by preactivation of the Ashwell-Morell receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:20218-23. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Kersten RD, Ziemert N, Gonzalez DJ, Duggan BM, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC, Moore BS. Glycogenomics as a mass spectrometry guided genome-mining method for microbial glycosylated molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:E4407-16. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Cowburn A, Takeda N, Boutin AT, Kim J-W, Sterling JC, Nakasaki M, Southwood M, Goldrath AW, Jamora C, Nizet V, Chilvers ER, Johnson RS. HIF isoforms in the skin differentially regulate systemic arterial pressure. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:17570-5. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Yamaguchi M, Terao Y, Mori-Yamaguchi Y, Domon H, Sakaue Y, Yagi T, Nishino K, Yamaguchi A, Nizet V, Kawabata S. Streptococcus pneumoniae invades erythrocytes and utilizes them to evade human innate immunity. PLoS One 2013; 8:e77282. PMID: 24194877 ABSTRACT | PDF |
Fine AM, Nizet V, Mandl KD. Participatory medicine: A home score for streptococcal pharyngitis enabled by real- time biosurveillance: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med 2013; 159:577-83. ABSTRACT | PDF | Commentary | Commentary |
Guichard A, Cruz-Moreno B, Aguilar B, van Sorge NM, Kuang J, Kurkciyan AA, Wang Z, Hang S, Pineton de Chambrun GP, McCole DF, Watnick P, Nizet V, Bier E. Cholera toxin disrupts barrier function by inhibiting exocystmediated trafficking of host proteins to intestinal cell junctions. Cell Host Microbe 2013; 14:294-305. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental | Commentary |
Nizet V, Yaksh T. Neuroscience: Bacteria get on your nerves. Nature 2013; 501:43-4. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Leire E, Olson J, Isaacs H, Nizet V, Hollands A. Role of hypoxia inducible factor-1 in keratinocyte inflammatory response and neutrophil recruitment. J Inflamm 2013; 10:28. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sjögren J, Struwe W, Cosgrave E, Rudd P, Stervander M, Allhorn M, Hollands A, Nizet V, Collin M. EndoS2 is a unique and conserved protein of serotype M49 group A Streptococcus that hydrolyzes N-linked glycans on IgG and α1-acid glycoprotein. Biochem J 2013; 455:107-118. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Okumura CY, Anderson EL, Döhrmann S, Tran DN, Olson J, von Pawel-Rammingen U, Nizet V. IgG protease Mac/IdeS is not essential for phagocyte resistance or mouse virulence of M1T1 group A Streptococcus. mBio 2013; 4:3e0049-13. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Berti AE, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Rose WE. β-lactam antibiotics targeting PBP1 selectively enhance daptomycin activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2013; 57:5005-12. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Corriden R, Self T, Akong-Moore K, Nizet V, Kellam B, Briddon S, Hill S. Human neutrophil A3-adenosine receptor microdomains promote bacteria-tethering cytoneme formation. EMBO Reports 2013; 14:726-32. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Sanderson-Smith ML, Zhang Y, Ly D, Donahue D, Hollands A, Nizet V, Ploplis VA, Walker MJ, Castellino FJ. A key role for the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in invasive group A streptococcal infection. PLoS Pathogens 2013; 9:e1003469. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Bhandari T, Olson J, Johnson RS, Nizet V. HIF-1α influences myeloid cell antigen presentation and response to subcutaneous OVA vaccination. J Mol Med 2013; 91:1199-205. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Nonejuie P, Nizet V, Pogliano J, Crum-Ciaflone N, Haddad F. Treatment of recurrent high-level gentamicin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis with daptomycin plus ceftaroline. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2013; 57:4042-5. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Jantsch J, Gerlach R, Ensser A, Dahesh S, Popp I, Heeg C, Bleiziffer O, Merz T, Schulz T, Horch R, Bogdan C, Nizet V, Van Der Linden M. Severe soft tissue infection caused by a non-β-hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes strain harboring a premature stop mutation in the sagC gene. J Clin Microbiol 2013; 51:1962–5. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Venturini C, Ong CY, Gillen CM, Ben-Zakour N, Maamary PG, Nizet V, Beatson SA, Walker MJ. Acquisition of the Sda1-encoding bacteriophage does not enhance virulence of the serotype M1 Streptococcus pyogenes strain SF370. Infect Immun 2013; 81:2062-9. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Tsatsaronis J, Hollands A, Cole JN, Maamary PG, McArthur JD, Ben Zakour N, Kotb M, Nizet V, Beatson S, Walker MJ, Sanderson-Smith ML. Streptococcal collagen-like protein A and general stress protein 24 are immuno-modulating virulence factors of group A Streptococcus. FASEB J 2013; 27:2633-43. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Angata T, Ishii T, Motegi T, Oka R, Taylor RE, Campos-Soto P, Chang YC Secundino I, Gao CX, Ohtsubo K, Kitazumi S, Nizet V, Varki A, Gemma A, Kida K, Taniguchi N. Loss of Siglec-14 reduces the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. Cell Mol Life Sci 2013; 70:3199-210. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Uchiyama S, Andreoni F, Zürcher C, Schilcher K, Ender M, Madon J, Matt U, Ghosh P, Nizet V, Scheupbach RA, Zinkernagel AS. Coiled-coil irregularities of the M1 protein structure promote M1-fibrinogen interaction and influence group A Streptococcus host cell interactions and virulence. J Mol Med 2013; 91:861-9. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Tannahill GM, Curtis AM, Adamik J, Palsson-McDermott EM, McGettrick AF, Goel G, Frezza C, Bernard NJ, Kelly B, Foley NH, Zheng L, Gardet A, Tong Z, Jany SS, Corr SC, Clish C, Haneklaus M, Caffrey BE, Pierce K, Walmsley S, Beasley FC, Cummins E, Nizet V, Whyte M, Taylor CT, Lin H, Masters SL, Gottlieb E, Kelly VP, Clish C, Auron PE, Xavier RJ, O’Neill LAJ. Succinate is an inflammatory signal that induces IL-1β transcription through HIF-1α. Nature 2013; 496:238-42. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Baek KJ, Cho JY, Rosenthal P, Crotty Alexander LE, Nizet V, Broide DH. Hypoxia potentiates allergen induction of HIF-1α, chemokines, airway inflammation, TGF-β1, and airway remodeling in a mouse model. Clin Immunol 2013; 147:27-37. ABSTRACT | PDF |
van Sorge NM, Beasley FC, Gusarov I, Gonzalez DJ, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Anik S, Borkowski A, Dorrestein P, Nudler E, Nizet V. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacterial nitric-oxide synthase affects antibiotic sensitivity and skin abscess development. J Biol Chem 2013; 288:6417-26. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Zhu W, Zhang Y, Sinko W, Hensler ME, Molohon KJ, Lindert S, Cao R, Li K, Wang K, Wang Y, Liu YL, Sankovsky A, de Oliveira CA, Mitchell DA, Nizet V, McCammon JA, Oldfield E. Antibacterial drug leads targeting isoprenoid biosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2013; 110:123-8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Crotty Alexander LE, Akong K, Feldstein S, Johansson P, Nguyen A, McEachern EK, Nicatia S, Cowburn AS, Olson J, Cho JY, Isaacs H, Johnson RS, Broide DH, Nizet V. Myeloid cell HIF-1α regulates asthma airway resistance and eosinophil function. J Mol Med 2013; 91:637-44. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Hollands A, Gonzalez DJ, Leire E, Donald C, Gallo RL, Sanderson-Smith M, Dorrestein PC, Nizet V. A bacterial pathogens co-opts host plasmin to resist killing by cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides. J Biol Chem 2012; 287:40891- 7. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kuang E, Okumura CY, Sheffy-Levin S, Varzano T, Shu VC, Qi J, Niesman IR, Olson J, Reed JC, Broday L, Nizet V, Ronai ZA. Regulation of ATG4B stability by RNF5 limits basal levels of autophagy and influences susceptibility to bacterial infection. PLoS Genetics 2012 2012; 8(10):e1003007. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Haste NM, Thienphrapa W, Tran DN, Loesgen S, Sun P, Nam SJ, Jensen PR, Fenical W, Sakoulas G, Nizet V, Hensler ME. Activity of the thiopeptide antibiotic nosiheptide against contemporary strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Antibiotics 2012; 65:593-8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Rose WE, Eickhoff JC, Shukla SK, Pantarangi M, Rooijakkers SH, Cosgrove SE, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Elevated serum interleukin-10 (IL-10) at time of hospital admission is predictive of mortality in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. J Infect Dis 2012; 206:1604-11. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Humphries RM, Kelesidis T, Tewhey R, Rose W, Schork N, Nizet V, Sakoulas G. Genotypic and phenotypic evaluation of the evolution of high-level daptomycin non-susceptibility in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56:6051-3. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Cole JN, Aziz RK, Kuipers K, Timmer AM, Nizet V, van Sorge NM. A conserved UDP-glucose dehydrogenase outside the hasABC operon contributes to capsule biogenesis in group A Streptococcus. J Bacteriol 2012; 194:6154-61. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Dahesh S, Nizet V, Cole JN. Study of streptococcal hemoprotein receptor (Shr) in iron acquisition and virulence of M1T1 group A Streptococcus. Virulence 2012; 3:566-75. ABSTRACT | PDF | Commentary |
Maamary PG, Ben Zakour NL, Cole JN, Hollands A, Aziz RK, Barnett TC, Cork AJ, Henningham A, Sanderson-Smith M, McArthur JD, Venturini C, Gillen CM, Kirk JK, Johnson DR, Taylor WL, Kaplan EL, Kotb M, Nizet V, Beatson SA, Walker MJ. Tracing the evolutionary history of the pandemic group A streptococcal M1T1 clone. FASEB J 2012; 26:4675-84. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Branitzki-Heinemann K, Okumura CY, Völlger L, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T, Naim HY, Nizet V, von Köckritz-Blickwede M. Novel role of the transcription factor HIF-1α in the formation of mast cell extracellular traps. Biochem J 2012; 446: 159-63. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Akong-Moore K, Chow OA, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Nizet V. Influences of chloride and hypochlorite on neutrophil extracellular trap formation. PLoS One 2012 7:e42984. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Bebien M, Hensler ME, Hsu LC, Karin M, Park JM, Alexopoulou L, Liu GY, Nizet V, Lawrence T. The pore- forming β-hemolysin/cytolysin of group B Streptococcus activates p38 MAPK-dependent IL-10 production in macrophages and inhibits innate immunity. PLoS Pathogens 2012; 8:e1002812. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez DJ, Xu Y, Yang YL, Esquenazi E, Liu WT, Edlund A, Duong D, Du L, Molnár I, Gerwick WH, Jensen PR, Fischbach M, Liaw CC, Straight P, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC. Observing the invisible through imaging mass spectrometry, a window into the metabolic exchange patterns of microbes. J Proteomics 2012; 287:13889-98. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Wang X, Mitra N, Secundino-Velasquez I, Banda K, Cruz P, Padler-Karavani V, Verhagen A, Reid C, Lari M, Rizzi E, Balsamo C, Corti G, De Bellis G, Longo L, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Beggs W, Caramelli D, Tishkoff S, Hayakawa T, Green ED, Mulliken JC, Nizet V, Bui JD, Varki A. Specific inactivation of two immunomodulatory SIGLEC genes during human evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012 109:9935-40. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Uchiyama S, Andreoni F, Schüpbach RA, Nizet V, Zinkernagel AS. DNase Sda1 allows invasive M1T1 group A Streptococcus to escape TLR9 recognition. PLoS Pathogens 2012 8:e1002736. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Fair RJ, Hensler ME, Thienphrapa W, Dam QN, Nizet V, Tor Y. Selectively guanidinylated aminoglycosides as antibiotics. ChemBioChem 2012; 7:1237-44. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
van der Westhuyzen R, Hammons J, Meier J, Dahesh S, Moolman W, Pelley S, Nizet V, Burkart M, Strauss E. The antibiotic CJ-15,801 is an antimetabolite which hijacks and then inhibits CoA biosynthesis. Chem Biol 2012; 19:559- 71 (Cover article). ABSTRACT | PDF | Commentary |
Sano R, Hou YC, Hedvat M, Correa RG, Shu CW, Krajewska M, Diaz PW, Quarato G, Gottlieb RA, Yamaguchi M, Nizet V, Dahl R, Thomas DD, Tait SW, Green DR, Fisher PB, Matsuzawa SI, Reed JC. Endoplasmic reticulum protein BI-1 regulates Ca2+-mediated bioenergetics to promote autophagy. Genes Dev 2012; 26:1041-54. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Liu Y, Haste NM, Thienphrapa W, Nizet V, Hensler ME, Li R. Marinopyrrole derivatives as potential antibiotic agents against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (I). Marine Drugs 2012; 10:953-962. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Henningham A, Chiarot E, Gillen CM, Cole JN, Rohde M, Fulde M, Ramachandran V, Cork AJ, Hartas J, Magor G, Djordjevic SP, Cordwell SJ, Kobe B, Sriprakash KS, Nizet V, Chhatwal GS, Batzloff MR, Margarit IR, Walker MJ. Conserved anchorless surface proteins as group A streptococcal vaccine candidates. J Mol Med 2012; 90:1197- 1207. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Hertzén E, Johansson L, Kansal R, Hecht A, Dahesh S, Marton J, Nizet V, Kotb M, Norrby-Teglund. Intracellular Streptococcus pyogenes in human macrophages display an altered gene expression profile. PLoS One 2012; 7:e35218. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Fine AM, Nizet V, Mandl KD. Large-scale validation of the Centor and McIsaac scores to predict group A streptococcal pharyngitis. Arch Int Med 2012; 172:847-52. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Zhang Y, Lin FY, Li K, Zhu W, Liu YL, Cao R, Pang R, Lee E, Axelson J, Hensler ME, Wang K, Molohon K, Michell D, Nizet V, Oldfield E. HIV-1 integrase inhibitor inspired anti-bacterials targeting isoprenoid biosynthesis. ChemBioChem 2012; 3:402-6. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Okumura CYM, Hollands A, Tran DN, Olson J, Dahesh S, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Thienphrapa W, Corle C, Jeung SN, Kotsakis A, Shalwitz RA, Johnson RS, Nizet V. A new pharmacological agent (AKB-4924) stabilizes hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) and increases skin innate defenses against bacterial infection. J Mol Med 2012; 90:1079-89. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez DJ, Okumura CY, Hollands A, Kersten R, Akong-Moore K, Pence MA, Malone CL, Derieux J, Moore BS, Horswill, AR, Dixon JE, Dorrestein PC, Nizet V. Novel phenol soluble modulin derivatives in community- associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus identified through imaging mass spectrometry. J Biol Chem 2012l 287:13889-98. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Jongerius I, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Horsburgh MJ, Ruyken M, Nizet V, Rooijakkers SH. Staphylococcus aureus virulence is enhanced by secreted factors that block innate immune defenses. J Innate Immun 2012; 4:301-11. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Chiang CY, Engel A, Opaluch AM, Ramos I, Maestre AM, Secundino I, De Jesus PD, Nguyen QT, Welch G, Bonamy GM, Miraglia LJ, Orth AP, Nizet V, Fernandez-Sesma A, Zhou Y, Barton GM, Chanda SK. Co-factors required for TLR7 and TLR9- dependent innate immune responses. Cell Host Microbe 2012; 11:306-18. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
McGillivray SM, Tran DN, Ramadoss NS, Alumasa JN, Sakoulas G, Vaughn MM, Zhang DX, Keiler KC, Nizet V. Pharmacological inhibition of the ClpXP protease increases bacterial susceptibility to host cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides and cell-envelope active antibiotics. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56:1854-61. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Lin FY, Zhang Y, Hensler ME, Liu YL, Chow OA, Zhu W, Wang K, Pan R, Thienphrapa W, Nizet V, Oldfield E. Dual dehydrosqualene synthase/squalene synthase inhibitors: Leads for innate immune system-based therapeutics. ChemMedChem 2012; 7:561-4. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Chang YC, Uchiyama S, Varki A, Nizet V. Leukocyte inflammatory responses provoked by pneumococcal sialidase. mBio 2012; 3:e00220-11. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Nam S-J, Loesgen S, Fenical W, Jensen PR, Nizet V, Hensler M. Novel bacterial metabolite merochlorin A demonstrates activity against multi-drug resistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS One 2012; 7:e29439. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sakoulas G, Bayer AS, Pogliano J, Tsuji BT, Yang SJ, Mishra NN, Nizet V, Yeaman MR, Moise PA. Ampicillin enhances daptomycin- and cationic host defense peptide-mediated killing of ampicillin- and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2012; 56:838-44. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Guichard A, Nizet V, Bier E. New insights into the biological effects of anthrax toxins: linking cellular to organismal responses. Microb Infect 2012; 14:97-118. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kho MF, Bellier A, Balasubramini V, Hu Y, Hsu W, Nielsen-LeRoux C, McGillivray SM, Nizet V, Aroian RV. The pore-forming protein Cry5B elicits the pathogenicity of Bacillus sp. against Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS One 2011; 2011; 6: e29122. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Sun P, Maloney KN, Nam SJ, Haste NM, Rajux R, Aalsbersberg W, Jensen PR, Nizet V, Hensler ME, Fenical W. Fijimycins A-C, three new etamycin-class depsipeptides from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. Bioorg Med Chem 2011; 9:6557-62. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Nordström T, Movert E, Olin A, Ali SR, Nizet V, Vark A, Areschoug T. Human Siglec-5 inhibitory receptor and immunoglobulin A (IgA) have separate binding sites in the group B streptococcal β protein. J Biol Chem 2011; 286:33981-91. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Cole JN, Barnett TC, Nizet V, Walker MJ. Molecular insight into group A streptococcal invasive disease. Nat Rev Microbiol 2011; 9:724-36. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez D, Haste NM, Hollands A, Fleming TC, Hamby M, Pogliano K, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC. Microbial competition between Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus monitored by imaging mass spectrometry. Microbiology 2011; 57:2485–92. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Kinjo Y, Illarionov P, Pei B, Vela JL, Girardi E, Li X, Li Y, Imamura M, Rogers P, Uchiyama S, Khurana A, Ainge GD, Gibson D, Kawahara K, Yesilkaya H, Andrew P, Wong CH, Painter G, Kawakami K, Nizet V, Besra GS, Tsuji M, Zajonc DM, Kronenberg M. Invariant NKT cells recognize glycolipids from pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria. Nat Immunol 2011; 12:966-74. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Fine AM, Nizet V, Mandl KD. Improved diagnostic accuracy of group A streptococcal pharyngitis using real-time biosurveillance. Ann Intern Med 2011; 155:345-52. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Carland TM, Locke JB, Nizet V, Gerwick L. Differential expression and intrachromosomal evolution of the sghC1q genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Dev Comp Immunol 2012; 36:31-8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Zinkernagel AS, Hruz P, Uchiyama S, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Schuepbach RA, Hayashi T, Carson DA, Nizet V. Importance of Toll like receptor 9 in host defense against M1T1 group A Streptococcus infections. J Innate Immun 2011; 4:213-8. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Sjögren J, Collin M, Nizet V, Hollands A. Study of the IgG endoglycosidase EndoS in group A streptococcal phagocyte resistance and virulence. BMC Microbiol 2011; 11:120. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Dhand A, Bayer AS, Pogliano J, Bolaris M, Nizet V, Wang G, Sakoulas G. Anti-staphylococcal beta-lactams increase daptomycin binding and activity in eradicating persistent bacteremia due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 53: 158-63. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Ali SR, Timmer AM, Bilgrami S, Park EJ, Eckmann L, Nizet V, Karin M. Inhibition of p38 signaling by Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin induces ATP release and inflammasome activation via ATP leakage. Immunity 2011; 35:34-44. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Chang YC, Wang Z, Flax LA, Xu D, Esko JD Nizet V, Baron MJ. Glycosaminoglycan binding facilitates entry of a bacterial pathogen into central nervous systems. PLoS Pathogens 2011; 7:e1002082 ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Haste NM, Hughes CC, Tran DN, Fenical W, Jensen PR, Nizet V, Hensler ME. Pharmacological properties of the marine natural product marinopyrrole A against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2011; 55:3305-12. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Amelung S, Nerlick A, Rohde M, Spellerberg B, Cole JN, Nizet V, Chhatwal GS, Talay SR. The FbaB-type fibronectin-binding protein of Streptococcus pyogenes promotes specific invasion into endothelial cells. Cell Microbiol 2011; 13:1200-11. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kisseleva T, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Reichart D, McGillvray SM, Wingender G, Kronenberg M, Glass CK, Nizet V, Brenner DA. Fibrocyte-like cells recruited to the spleen support innate and adaptive immune responses to acute injury or infection. J Mol Med 2011; 89:997-1013. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Haste NM, Farnaes L, Perera VR, Jensen PR, Fenical W, Nizet V, and Hensler ME. Bactericidal kinetics of marine derived napyradiomycins against contemporary methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Marine Drugs 2011; 9:680-9. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Macheboeuf P, Buffalo C, Fu CY, Zinkernagel AS, Cole JN, Johnson JE, Nizet V, Ghosh P. Streptococcal M1 protein constructs a pathological host fibrinogen network. Nature 2011; 472:64-8. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Yang H, Sikavi C, Tran K, McGillivray SM, Nizet V, Yung M, Chang A, Miller JH. Papillation in Bacillus anthracis colonies: a tool for finding new mutators. Mol Microbiol 2011; 79: 1276-93. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Hsu LC, Enzler T, Seita J, Timmer AM, Lee CY, Lai TY, Yu GY, Lai LC, Temkin V, Nizet V, Weissman IL, Karin M. IL-1β-driven neutrophilia preserves antibacterial defense in the absence of the kinase IKKβ. Nat Immunol 2011; 12:144-50. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Nicolaou KC, Simmons NL, Chen JS, Haste NM, Nizet V. Total synthesis and biological evaluation of marinopyrrole A and analogs. Tetrahed Lett 2011; 52:2041-3. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Reiss A, Braun JS, Jäger K, Freyer D, Laube G, Nizet V, Bührer C, Felderhoff-Mueser U, Weber J. Bacterial pore forming cytolysins induce neuronal damage in a rat model of neonatal meningitis. J Infect Dis 2010; 203:393-400. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Chow OA, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Bright AT, Hensler ME, Zinkernagel AS, Cogen AL, Gallo RL, Monestier M, Wang Y, Glass CK, Nizet V. Statins enhance formation of phagocyte extracellular traps. Cell Host Microbe 2010; 8:445-54. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Guichard A, McGillivray SM, Moreno BC, van Sorge NM, Nizet V, Bier E. Anthrax toxins cooperatively inhibit endocytic recycling by the Rab11/Sec15 exocyst. Nature 2010; 467:854-8. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Berends ET, Horswill AR, Haste NM, Nizet V, von Köckritz-Blickwede M. Nuclease expression by Staphylococcus aureus facilitates escape from neutrophil extracellular traps. J Innate Immun 2010; 2:576-86. (cover article) ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Cole JN, Pence MA, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Hollands A, Gallo RL, Walker MJ, Nizet V. M protein and hyaluronic acid capsule are essential for in vivo selection of covRS mutations characteristic of invasive M1T1 group A Streptococcus. MBio 2010; 1:e00191-10. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Pence MA, Rooijakkers SH, Cogen AL, Cole JN, Hollands A, Gallo RL, Nizet V. Streptococcal inhibitor of complement (SIC) promotes innate immune resistance phenotypes of invasive M1T1 group A Streptococcus. J Innate Immun 2010; 2:587-95. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Nizet V. Accentuate the (Gram) positive. J Mol Med 2010; 88:93-5. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Nizet V. Bacteria and phagocytes: Mortal enemies. J Innate Immun 2010; 2:505-7. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Maamary PG, Sanderson-Smith ML, Aziz RK, Hollands A, Cole JN, McKay FC, McArthur JD, Kirk JK, Cork AJ, Keefe RJ, Kansal RG, Sun H, Taylor WL, Chhatwal GS, Ginsburg D, Nizet V, Kotb M, Walker MJ. Parameters governing invasive disease propensity of non-M1 serotype group A streptococci. J Innate Immun 2010; 596-606. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Liu WT, Yang YL, Xu Y, Lamsa A, Haste NM, Yang JY, Ng J, Gonzalez DJ, Ellermeier CD, Straight PD, Pevzner P, Pogliano J, Nizet V, Pogliano K, Dorrestein PC. Imaging mass spectrometry of intraspecies metabolic exchange revealed the cannibalistic factors of Bacillus subtilis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010; 107:16286-90. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Derbal S, Hensler M, Fang W, Nizet V, Ghedira K, Nefzi A. On resin amino acid side chain attachment strategy for the head to tail synthesis of new glutamine containing gramicidin-S analogs and their antimicrobial activity. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2010; 20:5701–4. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Zhao HW, Zhou D, Nizet V, Haddad GG. Experimental selection for Drosophila survival in extremely high O2 environments. PLoS One 2010; 5:11701. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Taylor RE, Gregg C, Padler-Karavani V, Ghaderi D, Yu H, Sorensen RU, Chen X, Inostroza J, Nizet V, Varki A. Novel mechanism for the generation of human xeno-autoantibodies against the nonhuman sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid. J Exp Med 2010; 207:1637-46. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Rooijakkers SH, Rasmussen SL, McGillivray SM, Mason AB, Friedlander AM, Nizet V. Human transferrin confers serum resistance against Bacillus anthracis. J Biol Chem 2010; 85:27609-13. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Gonzalez DJ, Lee SW, Hensler ME, Dahesh S, Markley AL, Mitchell DA, Banderia N, Nizet V, Dixon JE, Dorrestein PC. Clostridiolysin S: a post-translationally modified biotoxin from Clostridium botulinum. J Biol Chem 2010; 285:28220-8. ABSTRACT | PDF | Supplemental |
Aziz RK, Nizet V. Perspective: Pathogen microevolution in high resolution. Sci Transl Med 2010; 2:16ps4. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kaur SJ, Nerlich A, Rohde M, Fulde MA, Zähner D, Hanski E, Zinkernagel A, Nizet V, Chhatwal GS, Talay SR. The CXC chemokine-degrading protease SpyCep of Streptococcus pyogenes promotes its uptake into endothelial cells. J Biol Chem 2010; 285:27798-805. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Haste NM, Perera V, Maloney KN, Tran DN, Jensen PR, Fenical W, Nizet V and Hensler ME. Activity of the streptogramin antibiotic etamycin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Antibiot 2010; 63:219-24. ABSTRACT | Supplemental | PDF |
Hollands A, Pence MA, Timmer AM, Osvath SR, Turnbull L, Whitchurch CB, Walker MJ, Nizet V. A genetic switch to hypervirulence impairs colonization phenotypes of the globally disseminated group A Streptococcus M1T1 clone. J Infect Dis 2010; 202:11-9. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Weiman S, Uchiyama S, Lin FC, Varki A, Nizet V, Lewis AL. O-Acetylation of sialic acid on group B Streptococcus inhibits neutrophil suppression and virulence. Biochem J 2010; 428:163-8. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Stockmann C, Kerdiles Y, Nomaksteinsky M, Weidemman A, Takeda N, Doedens A, Torres-Collado AX, Iruela-Arispe L, Nizet V, Johnson RS. Loss of inflammatory cell-derived vascular endothelial growth factor accelerates fibrosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010; 107:4329-34. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Kurupati P, Turner CE, Tziona I, Nohadani M, Stamp GW, Zinkernagel AS, Nizet V, Edwards RJ, Sriskandan S. Chemokine-cleaving Streptococcus pyogenes protease SpyCEP is necessary and sufficient for bacterial dissemination within soft tissues and the respiratory tract. Mol Microbiol 2010; 76:1387-97. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Locke JB, Ostland VE, Vicknair MR, Nizet V, Buchanan JT. Evaluation of Streptococcus iniae killed bacteria and live attenuated vaccines in hybrid striped bass through injection and bath immersion. Dis Aquat Organism 2010; 89:117-23. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Crotty Alexander LE, Maisey HC, Timmer AM, Rooijakkers SHM, Gallo RL, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Nizet V. M1T1 group A streptococcal pili promote epithelial colonization but diminish systemic virulence through neutrophil extracellular entrapment. J Mol Med 2010; 88:371-81. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Cogen AL, Yamasaki K, Muto J, Sanchez KM, Crotty-Alexander L, Tanios J, Lai Y, Kim JE, Nizet V, Gallo RL. Staphylococcus epidermidis antimicrobial δ-toxin (phenol soluble modulin-γ) cooperates with host antimicrobial peptides to kill group A Streptococcus. PLoS One 2010; 5:e8557. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Milani CJ, Aziz RK, Locke JB, Dahesh S, Nizet V, Buchanan JT. The novel polysaccharide deacetylase homologue Pdi contributes to virulence of the aquatic pathogen Streptococcus iniae. Microbiology 2010; 156:543-54. ABSTRACT | PDF |
Cogen AL, Yamasaki K, Sanchez KM, Dorschner RA, Lai Y, McLeod D, Torpey J, Otto M, Nizet V, Kim JE, Gallo RL. Selective antimicrobial action is provided by phenol soluble modulins derived from Staphylococcus epidermidis, a normal resident of the skin. J Invest Derm 2010; 130:192-200. ABSTRACT | PDF |